Entries by First Sun Team

#CareerAdvice : Which Of These #JobSearch Mistakes Are You Making? #Recruiters Reveal What Makes Candidates Stand Out.

As a recruiter for over 20 years, I have my own opinions on what makes candidates stand out for good and for bad. However, I also like to collect feedback from my recruiting colleagues, across a range of industries, and you can see earlier interviews with recruiters from financial services, management consulting, advertising, tech, education, and non-profit. Some of the pet […]

#CareerAdvice : #YourCareer – These are the 5 Things you Should be Doing while Building your #Career . Great REad for All!

Career-building in today’s world can be overwhelming. Once upon a time, all you needed was a job offer from an established company and you’d basically be set up for life. But today job-hopping is the norm for people of all ages—and across all industries. A LinkedIn study showed that millennials are likely to jump jobs four […]

#BestofFSCBlog – Over 30K REads! Complete #SalaryNegotiations Toolkit – How to Negotiate Your Salary. Best One Stop Read!

Everything You Need to Get the Salary You Deserve Negotiating a better salary is something that everyone should be focused on. No matter when the last time you negotiated for a better salary was, the time will come again when the value of work you do is not reflected in the compensation you receive for that work. When […]

#CareerAdvice : #AgeDiscrimination – Overqualified Job Seekers Are Discriminated Against: Here’s How To Combat The Built-In Bias

On Wednesday, the Wall Street Journal unveiled the tough challenges confronted by overqualified job seekers.   The article builds upon a study conducted by university professors at Carnegie Mellon, Stanford and Johns Hopkins. Their research concludes, “The managers perceive highly capable candidates to have lower commitment to the organization than less capable, but adequate candidates and, as a result, penalize high-capability candidates […]