Entries by First Sun Team

#CareerAdvice : #JobNetworking – How to Leverage your Network to Land your First Full-Time Job. A #MustRead for All!

Networking elicits fear in many job hunters’ minds, regardless of age, but it can be especially mysterious when you’re just starting out. While building a network may seem daunting when you’re searching for your first job, it’s not as difficult as you might think. Chances are, you’ve already built up quite a large network just […]

#Leadership : #ProductivePeople – Here’s How Smart, #SuccessfulPeople Take Advantage Of The Long Labor Day Weekend. Great Read!

The Labor Day holiday came about in the late 1800s as a backlash to the abusive work practices demanded by the owners of factories and businesses. Workers were forced to work 70-plus hours a week without vacation time or days off. The holiday’s founders sought to make changes, including forming unions to protect the rights […]

#CareerAdvice : Which Of These #JobSearch Mistakes Are You Making? #Recruiters Reveal What Makes Candidates Stand Out.

As a recruiter for over 20 years, I have my own opinions on what makes candidates stand out for good and for bad. However, I also like to collect feedback from my recruiting colleagues, across a range of industries, and you can see earlier interviews with recruiters from financial services, management consulting, advertising, tech, education, and non-profit. Some of the pet […]