Entries by First Sun Team

#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch – Ten Ways to Stand Out at a #JobFair (and Snag One of those 30,000 New #AmazonJobs )

Amazon has 30,000 job openings and will hold job fairs in six cities to jumpstart hiring. Job fairs (or career fairs) are not limited to Amazon. Universities, professional associations, and affinity groups also organize hiring events that bring together multiple job openings under one roof. If you are looking for a job, job fairs give you an […]

#CareerAdvice : #ResumeWriting – 10 #ResumeTips You Haven’t Heard Before. A #MustRead !

Having a well-crafted resume can be the key to getting your foot in the door at the company of your dreams. But figuring out how to make your resume fully representative of your experience and also stand out is easier said than done. After all, hiring managers and recruiters generally only spend about 7 seconds reading your resume before deciding […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch – 5 People you Should Reach Out to When Looking for that Next Big Job. Great Two(2) Min Read!

The New York Times Book Review has a regular column called “By the Book,” which features famous writers. One frequent question they ask them is this: “You’re throwing a literary dinner party. Which three writers, dead or alive, do you invite?” If you’re looking for a new job, you can ask yourself the less literary version […]

#CareerAdvice : BreadCrumbing: How To Read The Signs And Avoid Being Strung Along In #YourCareer . #MustRead for All!

We all know people in romantic relationships that are destined to fail. They’ll endlessly complain about their partner and ask us what they should do about it. You may politely suggest that their significant other is simply stringing them along and never plans to get married. They elect to get mad, don’t take your advice […]

#CareerAdvice : How To Recession-Proof #YourCareer … A #MustREad !

Economic indicators are signaling the possibility that we are headed toward a recession by 2021. Given that recessions are usually associated with significant job losses, the warning bells in the US and globally might make it easy to panic about the volatility and uncertainty of what’s ahead. But while it’s impossible to predict precisely when the […]