Entries by First Sun Team

#CareerAdvice : Forbes Coaches Council -15 Essential Tips For #CollegeStudents Preparing For Their Future Careers. Got Kids? #MustREad !

College is a time where most students spend a lot of time looking at the small picture and all but ignoring what’s happening outside. Preparing for the world of work requires students to change the way they see things. There are no clearly defined lines for success in the outside world. Even landing a job […]

#CareerAdvice : #ResumeWriting -Does Your #Resume Have an Identity Crisis? Great Two(2) Min Read!

Most of the resumes I review each year suffer from an identity crisis and are uninspiring. They’ve been created in cookie-cutter fashion, filled with overused words and phrases, are not aligned with the employer’s needs and open with a vague statement that “tells” the employer what they are looking for …”to utilize my skills and […]

#CareerAdvice : Quit Your Job And Travel the World: 27 Easy Ways To Make Money Online. Fun & Interesting REad!

Who needs the 9-5 grind and struggling to pay rent in an expensive place like San Francisco or New York? These days, you can easily quit your day job, travel the world and work anywhere, since your office can be wherever you open your laptop. According to a study by Global Workplace Analytics and FlexJobs, the remote workforce has grown […]

#CareerAdvice : #CareerChange -How Serious Are You About Changing Careers? Four Questions To Test Your Commitment. A #MustRead !

When unhappy professionals contact me to discuss their biggest obstacles around changing careers, usually the focus is on getting other people in their new field of interest to pay attention. I’ll hear: ·      I only get called in for the same old jobs (i.e., my old career) ·      Employers are only interested in hiring people who have […]