15 Smart Negotiating Techniques For Business Professionals.
15 Smart Negotiating Techniques For Business Professionals.
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15 Smart Negotiating Techniques For Business Professionals.
Just because you turn the page on the calendar, it doesn’t mean that things will be radically different. History shows that most major events unfold slowly and then happen all of a sudden. Avoid jobs that could easily be taught to someone else who the company could pay a lower salary to or easily relocated […]
Here is your checklist to complete before you head out onto your next great adventure.
Resolved to land a new job in the new year? Although the U.S. economy is 110 consecutive months into its record-breaking stretch of job gains and the unemployment rate is at a 50-year low, hiring among employers in some areas is projected to soften. But that’s no reason to become one of the 80% of Americans who […]
A professional colleague came to me with a sticky office situation I have unfortunately seen before: what do you do when you are assigned extra work but someone else gets the promotion? Here’s how it played out most recently: A key team member leaves, but instead of rehiring for the role, the responsibilities are distributed […]
Potential hires are always on their best behavior in interviews. The hiring company needs to do the same, and hiring managers, being the first point of contact, have the most responsibility for a good impression. A business that intends to hire the best talent has to show candidates why they should consider working here. That’s […]
Years ago, back when I was teaching high school and college students, one of my mentors told me that the teacher made the difference in the classroom. She told me that instructors had to own the success and failure of their students. I agreed, and now—after years of hiring and supervising staff and leading teams—I […]
LinkedIn, the social network for white-collar professionals, released a report identifying the 15 fastest-growing jobs in the United States. Harvesting data from its users, the company was able to determine which jobs had the fastest growth rate over the last five years. The list is dominated by technology, engineering, data analytics and related jobs that have […]
Great Networking is a Strategy Not to be Taken for Granted.
There’s no doubt about it — the job search is daunting, even for seasoned pros. So when you’re just beginning your career, it might feel near impossible. Often, you see plenty of open jobs, but they all require a minimum of two years’ experience for entry-level roles. So to help you cut through the clutter, we’ve […]