#YourCareer : How To Land A Promotion While Working Remotely. Is this a Good Time to Ask? Great REad!
Companies are struggling to get back to pre-pandemic production levels—not exactly an ideal time to ask for a higher salary. Or is it??
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But we are proud to say that First Sun Team contributed 2304 entries already.
Companies are struggling to get back to pre-pandemic production levels—not exactly an ideal time to ask for a higher salary. Or is it??
Many people work tirelessly to find a job, but they keep coming up short, so today we’re going to have a look at the 5 reasons that your job search may be stalled and why you’re not getting the response that you feel you should.
Your LinkedIn profile is a powerful tool to reposition yourself for a new industry, role or both.
#4- A job search can be stressful, so it’s incredibly important that you take some time to practice self-care too!
You want your friend to be hired on account of their own merits, not for whom they know at the company.
Covid-19 tossed all of our lives into a tornado and we’re still figuring out where we’ll land. It also shines a light on the need to be able to manage chaos and change, because, as Deborah Lee James, former Secretary of the Air Force told me on my podcast recently, “Whether we’re working in industry or government […]
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I think you are the way you respond to the things that happen that are out of your control ….Those moments define you.
Before you Go Down the “Why Me” Path, you Need to Take a Long Look in the Mirror and Ask these Questions.
I don’t know about you, but before I buy anything online, I read the reviews. Think about that when it comes to LinkedIn recommendations.