#YourCareer : Build Your Authority on LinkedIn. Ya Think LinkedIn is Just for Your Job Search?? Think Again!
In today’s professional (and unpredictable) world, being on LinkedIn is crucial.
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In today’s professional (and unpredictable) world, being on LinkedIn is crucial.
One of the hardest things is being suddenly unemployed.
Instead of giving up on your job search, consider whether one of these reasons applies to your resume.
This is not the time to be smug, flippant, or terse; it’s time to use the S.T.A.R. technique.
Your language needs to be unique and how you articulate yourself in your resume will determine whether an interview invitation comes your way.
You have just over seven seconds to make an impression with your résumé. Choosing the right résumé format can be the difference between getting a callback or not.
In the world of resumes and cover letters, isn’t all that different. How Do I Develop a Personal Brand?
Writing an effective resume will help set you apart from the other people applying for a job and can increase your chances of landing the job you want
Read this first, before you take that knee-jerk reaction in immediately resigning from your current position abruptly, when things aren’t going well.
Remember when working with a recruiter, the company is actually the client—not you! So, if they make a suggestion, take it! They are making it because they think it will increase your chances at an offer.