Entries by First Sun Team

Strategy: 5 Things Your Resume Must Convey In 10 Seconds…Reach Out to Your Hiring Manager Directly With a Pain Letter & Human-Voiced Resume Sent Straight to the Hiring Manager’s desk.

If you pitch your resume into Black Hole recruiting sites, you’ll be resting your job-search hopes on a keyword-searching algorithm. That’s why I don’t recommend that approach to job-seekers, no matter how closely a job-seeker’s resume matches the posted job spec. [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” […]

Strategy: 10 Simple Things My Dad Taught Me About Networking…Looking Out for How you Can Leverage Your Contacts to Help Others Is the Foundation of Being a Connector

It’s often said that whether or not we like it, we end up morphing into our parents as we grow older. I was fortunate to have my dad role model for me some really critical lessons about the power of being a connector and master networker, and I’d like to share his top lessons with […]

Strategy: 6 Smart Ways To Self-Promote At Work…Remember: What You’re Doing at Your Company Isn’t as Important as What Others Perceive You’re Doing

Wallflowers are so last year.  In 2015 you’ve decided that standing out is the strategy you’ll use to accomplish your big life goals.  And you’re already well on your way. So far, you’ve overhauled your dating profile to catch more eyes, and you’ve signed up to sit in the front row of your spin class […]

Your Career: How To Get The Job Interview…What is Causing a Hiring Manager to Lose Sleep is the Business Pain in the picture, & it’s Almost Never Stated or Even Hinted at in The Job Ad.

The hardest part of a job search is getting the interview. Once you’re in the door at a job interview, your chances of getting the job rise dramatically. Of course, getting a good job isn’t just a numbers game. You have to have a good sense of what your hiring manager is dealing with — […]

5 Ways To Stop Giving Negative People Too Much Power In Your Life…Sometimes, We Unknowingly Give Toxic Individuals Influence Over Our Thoughts, Behaviors, & Feelings

It’s been said that one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch and often, that applies to the business environment. It’s usually easy to identify that Negative Nancy or Debbie Downer who wreak havoc on morale. Their bad attitudes, catastrophic thinking, and fatalistic outlooks can infiltrate the ranks and spread like an epidemic. Negative people […]

Leadership: 5 Presentation Tips From CEO Keynotes At CES…Telling a Story to Set Up the Theme of Your Presentation, There’s No Reason to Overload the Audience with Words & Text

Smart gadgets were all the buzz at the 2015 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. Smart drones were flying around the keynote stage, smartphone apps opened smart doors, and smart cars were driving themselves. There were also some very smart business leaders delivering exceptionally buzzworthy keynote presentations.   I’ve worked directly with CEOs from […]

Your Career: A Guide To Networking For Shy People…Networking is Not Just for Extroverts Anymore. No Matter Your Preferred Style of Engagement, You Can Make it Work for You

While there are some people who enjoy networking and get a lot of energy from interacting with a crowd, many find it intimidating and draining. Traditional networking is not for everyone. However, networking is essential in today’s job market. Experts estimate that well over half of jobs are found through networking and word of mouth. The old […]

Your Career: The 23 Best Pieces Of Career Advice Readers Ever Received…”Have an Avocation. Don’t Let Your Work be All That You Are, Don’t Let It Consume You.”

A long time ago — or maybe it only feels that way — our careers were at their beginning. Full of promise, ambition, and possibly misplaced self-confidence, we embarked on our journey up the corporate ladder. The luckiest among us received plenty of advice from the wiser and more experienced people in our lives, whether […]

Strategy: 25 Time-Management Tips Every Young Professional Should Know…”No Car goes Without Gas, Manage Your Energy, Not Just your Time

Montreal-based designer Étienne Garbugli spent most of his 20s equating long hours of hard work with success. But as he got older, he learned better ways to manage his workload and schedule his days. Garbugli’s presentation “26 Time Management Hacks I Wish I’d Known At 20” was viewed millions of times and became SlideShare’s “Most Liked” […]