Entries by First Sun Team

Your Career: Here’s What the Modern Résumé Should Look Like…How Can you Get Yourself Noticed? Beyond the Content, Presentation is also Critical

Along with glowing references, a solid resumé is a must-have for any job applicant. But even those with great credentials need to package those achievements the right way to catch a hiring manager’s eyes. How can you get yourself noticed? Having the right keywords on the page — words like “problem solving,” “leadership” and “team […]

Strategy: How to Work 80 Hours a Week & Still Have a Life…Logging 80 Hours a Week is Not Uncommon, & that Number can Hit the Triple Digits During Especially Busy Weeks

Wall Street executives, entrepreneurs, and consultants are known for working crazy long hours.  Logging 80 hours a week is not uncommon for them, and that number can hit the triple digits during especially busy weeks. Turns out you CAN work crazy hours and still have a life. But some have figured out how to have […]

Strategy:How To Stop Counter-Productive Habits In 4 Seconds…We can Learn to Use the Space Between What we Feel & Do to Make Smarter Decisions

Can you improve your relationships, increase your ability to focus and shut down counter-productive habits in just four seconds? In his new book, Four Seconds: All the Time You Need to Stop Counter-Productive Habits and Get the Results You Want, Peter Bregman argues that the key to success in our fast-moving world is to pause […]

Your Career: 20 meaningful jobs that pay really well… A New Report from Payscale, There are Plenty of Jobs that Offer Both a Fat Paycheck & Satisfying Work

It seems like there are only two options when it comes to choosing a career: We can either pursue a meaningful job and make next to nothing, or we can pull in a pretty penny working insanely long hours in an uninspiring, high-pressure role.  Turns out there’s a third option. Veterinarians typically find their work […]

Leadership: What Every New Manager Should being Doing for their First 3 Months on the Job…Even if you Think you Know What you’re Going to Do, you’ll Learn so Much & There’s isn’t Any Other Point in the Job Where You can Do That

If you’ve taken over a new team at work, or started a new management job, you may feel the temptation to hit the ground running and dive right in to make changes. Sallie Krawcheck, the former president of the Global Wealth & Investment Management division of Bank of America, speaks during the Reuters Wealth Management […]

Your Career: The Top 50 Dream Employers of Students Studying Math, Science, or Health…There’s a Common Thread among Undergraduates Studying Natural Science, Math, & Health: They all Tend To Have the Long-Term Career Goal of being Dedicated to a Cause

There’s a common thread among undergraduates studying natural science, math, and health: They all tend to have the long-term career goal of being dedicated to a cause, says Melissa Bailey, an executive at Universum, a global research and advisory firm. A new report from Universum supports her observation. The research firm recently asked 22,976 of […]

Strategy: Save Yourself Time With A Time Audit…These can be Things that are Broken or Need Fixing, People who Drain your Time, or Time that you Habitually Waste

Do you need more time? For most people, the answer is a resounding yes.Yet many of us waste time every day, or spend it on things that don’t make us satisfied. Time is a precious resource, so it is worth checking up on our spending now and again. Do you know exactly where your time […]

Strategy: 10 Tips For Powerful PowerPoint Presentations…Don’t be in Competition with your PowerPoint for Attention

I’ve given many presentations and some have been more successful than others. Even when it’s the same material. And very similar audiences. Something that I’ve learned: it’s easy to overlook one of the most crucial elements of giving presentations– make sure that your audience can easily focus on you and your slides.     Don’t […]

Your Career: The Best Advice Career Experts Ever Received…They Make their Living Giving other People Career Advice, but what were the Words of Wisdom that Helped them?

Career coaches spend their days doling out advice to help people get ahead. But what advice did they get that helped them along the way? We asked five successful career coaches what was the best career advice they ever received. Here, the words of wisdom that’s stuck with them through the years. SURROUND YOURSELF WITH […]