Entries by First Sun Team

Strategy: Google HR Boss says Asking these Questions will Instantly Improve your Job Interviews…”Describe a Situation Where you were Responsible for Getting Others to Make a Change.”

Managers may want to keep interviews conversational or unique — asking weird questions like “What was the last costume you wore?” — but you’ll be doing both yourself and the candidate a disservice, says Google’s SVP of People Operations Laszlo Bock in his new book “Work Rules!” Interviews tailored to specific jobs and skills will yield the […]

Strategy: 4 Techniques that will Make you a Better, more Confident Negotiator… Use your “BATNA” as a Secret Weapon. It Stands for the “Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement”

Whether you’re looking to nab a deal with a new client or ask for a salary increase, you could benefit from learning some proper negotiation technique. As Google HR boss Laszlo Bock notes in his book “Work Rules!,” a reluctance to negotiate may also be a major factor on the persistence of the gender pay […]

Your Career:How To Look For A Job Without Your Boss Finding Out…The Conventional Wisdom Says that You Should Keep your Job Search a Secret from your Employer.

The conventional wisdom says that you should keep your job search a secret from your employer. If your supervisor finds out, she will think your head is no longer in the game. She’ll stop giving you choice assignments, she won’t pick you for the team that’s prepping for the presentation at the annual meeting in […]

Strategy: How To Stand Strong When Facing Adversity…It’s Funny How Sometimes the People you’d Take a Bullet for are the Ones Behind the Trigger.

It’s funny how sometimes the people you’d take a bullet for are the ones behind the trigger. Actually it’s not that funny at all…it’s really sad when it happens to be true. It’s unbelievably hard when someone you love and respect and consider a friend does something to hurt you deeply. It’s downright brutal. I’m […]

Leadership:10 Success Habits that will Dramatically Improve You/Your Business…Successful People Strongly Believe in Something & are Driven to Manifest It.

In order to achieve success, you need to adopt the habits that will drive you to the top.  Successful people strongly believe in something and are driven to manifest it. Their path is so strong that it keeps them true to their ideas and principles, despite the inevitable times of adversity and disagreements. Related: 5 Weekend Habits of […]

Leadership: 3 Ways To Motivate Your Team In The Changing World Of Work…Leadership Today Demands both Influence & Inspiration. Which Require a Commitment to Meet People Where they Are.

As the pace of change accelerates across the workforce, there’s a significant need for leadership to step up. Yet as the “Workforce 2020” study from Oxford Economics uncovered, barely half of surveyed CEOs said their leadership knows how to inspire and empower employees. That’s not going to cut it. Where Leadership Styles Come From In […]

Your Career: Google HR Boss Shares his Best Advice for Succeeding in Today’s Workplace…In the First 10 Years of your Career, Try a Lot of Different Things

Since Laszlo Bock became Google’s senior vice president of people operations in 2006, the company has grown from a workforce of 6,000 employees to 60,000.  Today, it has more than 70 offices across 40 countries and receives more than 2 million job applications every year. –  Bock says not to specialize before you turn 30. […]

Strategy: 5 Email Lessons Every Employee Should Learn From The Sony Hacking Incident…Here are 5 Lessons Every Employee Should Understand when it Comes to using Company Email

Almost everyone in the world has heard about the incident where Sony Pictures Entertainment became the victim of a cyber attack and sensitive information was leaked to the public, including internal company emails. While this situation highlighted the issue of cyber-security, it also provides a good warning for all employees on the use of email […]

Strategy: 12 Highly Influential People Share the Morning Routines that Set them Up for Success…Leaders have Crafted Morning Rituals that Maximize their Energy, Productivity, & Creativity all Day Long

Whether you’re up-and-at-’em when day breaks or stumbling out of bed, the way you spend the morning sets the tone for the rest of the day.  That’s why many leaders have crafted morning rituals that maximize their energy, productivity, and creativity all day long. We asked a mix of high-profile CEOs, authors, investors, and entrepreneurs: What […]