Entries by First Sun Team

Your Career: 7 Things To Do At The Start Of Your Job Search…Here are 7 Things To Do to in the First Week of a Job Search

The Deloitte CFO Signals Survey shows continued optimism among CFOs, forecasting significant growth in earnings and hiring. When CFOs are bullish, my recruiter ears perk up because CFO’s hold the purse strings. Anecdotally, I’ve been getting a lot of calls from my recruiter colleagues about openings, especially recruiting openings. When recruiters need to be hired, that […]

Leadership: The 3 Components Of Mental Strength That Will Help You Succeed…Building Mental Strength is About Learning to Regulate your Thoughts, Manage your Emotions, & Behave Productively despite Whatever Circumstances you Find yourself In.

Whether you aim to become an elite athlete, or you aspire to become a prosperous entrepreneur, mental strength is the key to long-term success. After all, you need fierce determination and tenacity to reach your greatest potential. Fotolia.com There will always be obstacles and challenges that stand in your way. Building mental strength will help […]

Strategy: Will A $15 Wage Help McDonald’s Make Better Burgers And Fries Or Break The Iconic Franchise?…Will a Considerable Wage Hike Solve McDonald’s Problems? Recently, Low-Pay Labor has Turned from an Advantage to a Disadvantage for McDonald’s

Hiking wages to $15 hour—as protesters around the country demand—will have a mixed impact on McDonald’s. On the one hand, it will help the company hire and retain better-skilled employees, and do a better job servingburgers and fries. On the other hand, it could fuel a “civil war” between the parent company (the franchiser) and […]

Leadership: Here’s Why you Should Worry if a Woman just Got Promoted to a Top Position at your Company…Women are Seriously Underrepresented in Top Leadership. In the US, they Occupy just 20% of Senior Management Roles.

It’s no secret that women are seriously underrepresented in top leadership. In the US, they occupy just 20% of senior management roles. Sheryl Sandberg. So when you spot your first female colleague setting up shop in a corner office, you might be inclined to rejoice and relax, taking her promotion as a sign that the […]

Your Career: What to say When the Hiring Manager asks, ‘Why should we hire you?’…Before you Arrive at the Job Interview, you Should have a General Sense of How to Communicate This

We recently solicited readers to submit their most pressing career-related questions. With help from Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and the author of “Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job,” we’ve answered the following: “What should I say when an interviewer asks why the company should hire […]

Leadership: How Big Data Is Changing The #CFO Role…Over the Next Decade, #Big Data is Going to be a Game-Changer & a Truly Disruptive Force Across the Globe

As IMA found in its recently released 2014 Salary Survey, salaries remained stagnant or declined for accounting and finance professionals in traditional areas of responsibility, such as taxation and audit. The finance function is evolving and CFOs are expected to know more about the trends affecting businesses today, including big data and technological innovations. I […]

Leadership: An Amazon Exec Shares 20 Mistakes Inexperienced Managers Make…The Best Way to Deliver Unpopular Decisions is at a Team Meeting where you have Ample Time to Give the Reasoning behind the Decision & take Q&A.

Below are some mistakes I made as a new manager or have seen other new managers make. Be proactive, not reactive. Experienced managers still make some of these mistakes, though hopefully fewer: Performance Management 1. Being slow to deal with performance issues — Smoke becomes fire. If you take note of performance issues early you can […]

Strategy: 8 Simple Steps to Getting a Lot Done in a Short Period of Time…Keep in Mind that the Following isn’t Suitable for Everyday Use; Try that & You’ll soon Burn Out.

Say you need to complete a major project or tackle a task you’ve been putting off. Or maybe you desperately need to crank out a ton of work in a short period of time, yet you never seem able to find that time. What you need is an extreme productivity day. Keep in mind that […]

Strategy: Google HR Boss says Asking these Questions will Instantly Improve your Job Interviews…”Describe a Situation Where you were Responsible for Getting Others to Make a Change.”

Managers may want to keep interviews conversational or unique — asking weird questions like “What was the last costume you wore?” — but you’ll be doing both yourself and the candidate a disservice, says Google’s SVP of People Operations Laszlo Bock in his new book “Work Rules!” Interviews tailored to specific jobs and skills will yield the […]

Strategy: 4 Techniques that will Make you a Better, more Confident Negotiator… Use your “BATNA” as a Secret Weapon. It Stands for the “Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement”

Whether you’re looking to nab a deal with a new client or ask for a salary increase, you could benefit from learning some proper negotiation technique. As Google HR boss Laszlo Bock notes in his book “Work Rules!,” a reluctance to negotiate may also be a major factor on the persistence of the gender pay […]