Entries by First Sun Team

#Strategy: The Best Way to Get the Truth Out of a Job Candidate…The Single Most Important Thing you Could Do as an Organization is #Hire the Right People.

Last week hedge fund manager Jason H. Karp explained during the Milken Institute’s Global Conference that his company’s personality assessment helps reveal positive and negative attributes in job candidates. He went on to say that the personality traits he looks for the most in traders and analysts are openness to change and grit (or resilience). “I would […]

#Leadership: 4 Ways To Drive Opportunities To Your Company With #Executive Branding…Understanding Executive #Branding is Like Unlocking the Secret to Getting Picked 1st in Middle School Dodgeball. It Centers on 2 Things: Being Good & Being Liked

Understanding executive branding is like unlocking the secret to getting picked first in middle school dodgeball. It centers on two things: being good and being liked. Similarly, executive branding verifies your value in the field and creates familiarity that enhances trust between you and potential customers. As Bryan Kramer puts it, people want a natural […]

#Strategy: What I Learned About Life After Interviewing 80 Highly Successful People…I Don’t Think I Spoke to a Single Person who Believed in Setting Personal Goals. But 100% of the People I Spoke to Wanted to Solve a Problem for the Many

“You interrupt too much,” people email me. “Let your guests finish talking.” But I can’t help it. I get curious. I want to know! Now!  Over the past year I interviewed about 80 guests for my podcast. My only criteria: I was fascinated by some aspect of each person. Peter Thiel I didn’t limit myself […]

#Strategy: 14 Lies we Tell Ourselves that Keep Us from Success…The Mind is a Wonderful Thing. It’s also a Complete Liar that Constantly Tries to Convince us Not to Take Actions we Know are Good for Us, & Stops Many Great Changes in our Lives

The mind is a wonderful thing. It’s also a complete liar that constantly tries to convince us not to take actions we know are good for us, and stops many great changes in our lives. Scumbag mind. I’ve had to learn to watch these rationalizations and excuses very carefully, in order to make the changes I’ve […]

#Leadership: How the Wrong People Get Promoted & How to Change It…Research Revels that Companies Consistently Choose the Wrong People for #Management Roles. Here’s what you Can Do to Avoid the Same Mistake

Have you ever quit a job just to get away from a bad boss? If you have, it turns out you’re in sizable company. According to a April 2015 Gallup study, one in two U.S. workers have at some point in their career felt compelled to make that same difficult choice. [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ […]

Your #Career: 7 Steps To Obtain A Promotion….Obtaining a Promotion Isn’t always Easy, But if you’re Willing to Do some Analysis, Conduct some Research & Create a Career Development Plan, Then you’ll make Getting that Much-Coveted Promotion a Lot Easier

Reader’s Question: How can I position myself now, for a promotion in 18 to 24 months?  Lisa’s Answer: First of all, congratulations on thinking ahead and allowing yourself enough time to create a game plan to get you from where you are today, to where you’d like to be in the future! Obtaining a promotion […]

#Leadership: How To Build A Mentally Strong Dream #Team…A Mentally Strong Team Starts with a Mentally Strong #Leader. Role Model, Healthy Habits, & Refuse to Participate in the Things that Could Sabotage the Team’s Best Efforts.

Mentally strong team TISI +0.23% members cooperate, build on one another’s strengths, and openly learn from their mistakes. When you teach individuals how to be mentally strong – and how to work together to form a strong team – they can accomplish incredible feats.  Yet, most teams struggle to reach their greatest potential because issues of […]

#Leadership: Do You Have A Zombie Boss?…What are the haracteristics of a Zombie boss? Let’s Put some Flesh on these Managerial Bones. Recent Survey Indicating that 51% of Managers have “Checked Out” & Care Little about their Jobs.

I’ve been reading some pretty scary studies about managementlately.  Studies showing that nationally around 70% of employees are disengaged, with resulting lost annual productivity of more than $450 billion.  Studies showing a frightening amount of disinterest – even in the managerial ranks – with one recent survey indicating that 51% of managers have “checked out” […]

#Leadership: Biggest Doesn’t Mean Best: How Leading Companies Get To The Top…Recent Bain & Company Analysis of 320 Companies Across 45 Markets Worldwide Demonstrates that Scale Alone is often Not Enough to Confer Real Economic Leadership

Bigger is not always better when it comes to succeeding in business. Who, for example, makes the most money producing tires? It’s not Bridgestone, the industry’s global scale leader. Germany’s Continental AG takes home three times more profit than Bridgestone and is far and away the tire industry’s economic leader. How? What the smaller company […]

Your #Career: 6 Steps to be Viewed as more Powerful at Work… Striking a Confident Pose might be enough Significantly Impact how Powerful you’re Perceive at Work, but these Steps Can Get you There

If there were any logic to our language, power could be a dirty word. Stanford professor Jeffrey Pfeffer posits that the idea of power goes against most people’s idea that the world is a just and fair place. “It violates their basic belief that people can get ahead just on the basis of their hard […]