Entries by First Sun Team

Your #Career: The 8 Most Common Cover Letter Mistakes that could Cost you the #Job…As Easily as an Impressive Cover Letter can Land you an #Interview, a Generic & Rushed One can Send your Application Straight to the “No” Pile.

As easily as an impressive cover letter can land you an interview, a generic and rushed one can send your application straight to the “no” pile. Recruiters cherish brevity — keep you cover letter to one page. We turned to Amanda Augustine, career management expert and spokesperson at TheLadders, an online job-matching service for professionals, […]

#Leadership: How To Manage Office Bullies, From Co-workers To Bosses…Bullies Typically Manage Up & Make Life Difficult for their Subordinates, although some Terrorize their Colleagues & Bosses Too. Their Motto is “My Way or the Highway,” & they Follow the Office Bully Code of Conduct

Bullies typically manage up and make life difficult for their subordinates – although some terrorize their colleagues and bosses too. Their motto is “My Way or the Highway,” and they follow the Office Bully Code of Conduct: ♦ Be cold. Never let them see emotion. ♦ Be selective. Only let people who agree with you join your circle. […]

#Leadership: If You’re Guilty of the Following, Chances Are Everyone Hates Your #Emails…Find Yourself Doing any of the Following? Just Stop.

A recent survey by consulting firm Kelton Global indicates that about 90 percent of Americans spend at least 90 minutes a day on email–that’s about the same amount of time they spend eating. IMAGE: Getty Images Email is especially important to managers, entrepreneurs and business owners, as it is often the primary form of communication with contacts. Relationships […]

#Leadership: Hesitating to Accept Help? 5 Great Reasons to Get Over It…Smart Managers/Entrepreneurs Know Why Going it Alone is a Surprisingly Stupid Move

What should you do when someone offers assistance or support for you new business, product, or other project? If at all possible, you should always say yes. This may be counter-intuitive. Turning down an offer of help might make you feel proud and self-sufficient. You might also feel reluctant to accept help for fear of […]

#Strategy: How to Deal with your Most Obnoxious #Coworkers…Fortunately, There are Some Steps you can Take to Deal with Even the Most Annoying of Coworkers

If you have colleagues at work, there’s a very small chance you all get along swimmingly 100% of the time.  You’ll probably get annoyed with each and every one of them at some point — and there may even be a few who you absolutely can’t stand. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take […]

#Leadership: How To Handle A #PR Crisis…Think a Reputation-Destroying #Crisis will Never come Calling at your #Company? But in the Event that it Does, Are you Confident that you Could Handle It?

Think a reputation-destroying crisis will never come calling at your company? But in the event that it does, are you confident that you could handle it? Like any other pressing business risk, a possible PR crisis should be approached with deliberate preparation and planning. That is the best way to cope with the day you […]

#Strategy: 6 Ways To Confidently Say “I Don’t Know”….Senior Leaders Don’t need People Who Think they Know every Answer. They Want #Leaders Who can Ask the Right Questions & Find the Answers.

The hardest three words to say aren’t I love you – they’re I don’t know. That’s the opinion of Stephen J. Dubner and Steven D. Levitt, authors of the behavioral economics bestseller Freakonomics. From my experience coaching executives, I have to say they’re on to something. I’ve seen even the most accomplished and seasoned leaders […]

#Leadership:The Finding that Men are Pretending to Work 80-Hour Weeks says a Lot about Modern #Management….Research Suggests some Men are Only Pretending to Work that Much & the Fakers are Getting just as Much Praise from #Management as the True Workaholics

Fields like finance and consulting are notorious for their life-sucking, 80-hour-plus workweeks. But new research suggests some men are only pretending to work that much — and the fakers are getting just as much praise from management as the true workaholics. Is he a workaholic or just faking it? The study, conducted by Erin Reid, Ph.D., assistant […]

Your #Career: How Recent #Graduates Can Make More Money At Their First Jobs…Most Employers Surveyed told NerdWallet they Expected #Job Candidates to Ask for More Money and 75% of #Hiring Managers said They had Room to Increase their #Salary Offers by 5% to 10%.

Long ago, when dinosaurs roamed the earth and I landed my first job out of college as an administrative assistant at Ralph Nader’s Public Citizen Litigation Group in Washington, D.C., it didn’t occur to me to try to ask for more money than the piddling $12,000 ($31,000 adjusted for inflation) the hiring manager was offering […]

#Strategy: How to Cope with a Disorganized Boss…You Can Protect your #Career,& your Team, even IF your #Manager is Constantly Dropping Balls

An ineffective boss might get fired. So might a bullying boss. A disorganized boss, however, can linger in an organization causing trouble for years. He can be perfectly nice, so no obvious alarm bells go off. The work gets done, but only because everyone reporting to him works around the clock before deadlines. “Having to deal […]