Entries by First Sun Team

Your #Career : The 10 Best Sites For Finding An Internship In 2016… Question: What’s the Best Way in Attaining a Job when you Graduate from College? Answer: 96% Land Jobs thru Internships Before Graduation.

“Years ago, when I was in college, when I wanted to apply for internships, the only websites around were Monster and CareerBuilder,” says Lauren Berger. “I would go to those sites as a student and I would feel so lost. I just wanted someone to help me.” Berger, now 31, wound up taking on 15 […]

Your #Career : The Top 6 Things You Should Never Tolerate In Your Career…If you Think you Have to Compromise on Any of the These in Order to be Employed or Build a Successful Career, I Hope this Article will Get you to Think Again.

People mistakenly believe that in these tough economic times they have to give up on their values and integrity to stay employed, but that’s simply not true. Those who are guided by a strong sense of integrity fare much better in professional life, and will be successful where others fail. Before launching my own coaching […]

Your #Career : Here’s What to Do When you Realize your Boss Secretly Hates You…There are Plenty of Obvious — & Not so Obvious — Signs your Boss Dislikes you. If you’re Getting the Sense That’s the Case, you’ll Want to Do Everything You Can to Turn Things Around.

“The relationship between you and your boss is likely the most important work relationship you can cultivate, so it’s worth spending intentional time and effort building trust and fostering a good relationship,” says Michael Kerr, an international business speaker and author of “The Humor Advantage.”  If your boss doesn’t like you, it can negatively affect almost every aspect of your work and your overall happiness. “You may […]

Your #Career : Work From Home In 2016: The Top 100 Companies For Remote Jobs…These Companies Clearly Understand that Integrating Telecommuters into their Workforce is a Smart Business Strategy. Remote Working is on the Rise, & this Acceleration is Great News for anyone Wishing to Trade the Office for a Telecommuting Job.

As technology gives us the freedom to work from anywhere, more and more people are prizing the ability to do so. Many companies are responding with flexible work schedules, and seeming to acknowledge the trend, the Department of Labor just announced that in 2017 it will resume its contingent workforce survey, which was last conducted […]

Your #Career : 3 Ways to Deal With Job Search Anxiety…This Anxiety can Spill Over into the Interview Process & Cause you to Come Across as a Nervous Wreck who Doesn’t have the Right Skills for the Job.

Searching for a new job can be an anxiety-provoking activity. This is especially true if you were suddenly laid off or fired. You likely feel pressure to find a job quickly so you can pay your bills and sustain your current level of living.  However, this anxiety can spill over into the interview process and […]

Your #Career : How To Wow A Job Interviewer When Changing Careers…The Trick is to Convince an Employer that your “Old” Skills/Experiences Can be Just as or even More Valuable in a New Industry or Role.

According to a new AARP survey, four out of 10 experienced workers will be looking for a job this year, and of those, a quarter are considering a complete career change. If you’re one of those eager to change careers in 2016, what can you do to improve your odds of success? The trick is to […]

#Leadership : 5 Signs of Work Stress That You Should Never Ignore…Simply Recognizing That you’re Stressed & Taking Steps to Change your Work Environment or How you Respond to It can Be very Helpful

Everyone has the occasional stressful day at the office. But for some, work-related stress is a chronic problem. Sixty-five percent of Americans named work as their top source of stress, the American Psychological Association(APA) found. Eighty percent of people surveyed by Monster said they experienced the Sunday night blues, and 76% of those characterized those […]

#Leadership : Why Failure Makes You a Better Leader…Failure is Never a Positive Feeling. Nevertheless, Constantly trying to Avoid Failure is Just as Bad Because it Means you are Unlikely to Take the Risks Necessary to Achieve Success.

In 2016, embrace failure. It could be the point where your company makes a change for the better. How will you learn from your failures during this coming year? Failure is never a positive feeling. Nevertheless, constantly trying to avoid failure is just as bad because it means you are unlikely to take the risks necessary […]

#Leadership : The Surprising Ways Employee Benefits Will Change in 2016…Smart Companies are Helping their Employees Worry a Little Less about Life Transitions & the Exorbitant Cost of Education.

When it comes to employee benefits, it’s easy to feel like nothing changes. The calendar flips to January, and you often just retain the same benefits you did the year before. You wind up feeling grateful as long as the costs don’t rise. But in a few important ways, the benefits you’ve come to laconically […]

You #Career : Four Job Search Mistakes College Students Should Stop Making Immediately…The Pressure to Nail Down a Summer Gig starts Early in the Spring Semester. The Best Opportunities often Appear during the Doldrums of Winter & Vanish Quickly.

If you’re a college student,  For seniors, this final semester brings a blend of relief, nostalgia and, I can imagine, creeping anxiety about how to pay back those tens of thousands in student loans. As someone still young enough to remember my college days and the anxiety-filled post-graduation job hunt, but advanced enough that I’m now […]