Entries by First Sun Team

Your #Career : 4 Ways To Get More Meaning And Value From Your Career Starting Today…The Ingredient that’s Absent from So many Thousands of People’s Careers is ‘Meaning’ – the Feeling & Heartfelt Sense that what They are Doing has a Strong Purpose, a Positive Impact in the World, & Offers Something to People that Will Make a Difference, & have Lasting Value.

I hear from scores of professionals each week with every complaint you can imagine about their jobs, work-life challenges, and their unfulfilling careers. Surprisingly, there is one ingredient these careers are missing that causes the most long-term pain and concern (excluding toxicity, abuse and mistreatment). The ingredient that’s absent from so many thousands of people’s […]

#Leadership : Determine Your Life’s Purpose in 10 Minutes. What’s yours? ….. Are we Spending our ‘Time’ Doing What we were Really Put on this Earth to Do?

There are activities in life that no matter how much time you spend on them, or how intensely you focus on them, they give you energy. These are the activities that you need to invest time in, for they provide the path to fulfilling your purpose in life. What’s my purpose in life?   It’s an easy question to […]

#Leadership : How To Improve Your Decision Making Skills…In Order for the Brain to Make Decisions, it Often Relies on Short Cuts.

Sometimes we may not have all the necessary information available, other times we only use a limited amount of information offered.  This means we regularly make decisions based on just a few facts or what first comes to mind based on our previous experience and knowledge.  These strategies are known as heuristics and can be […]

Your #Career : What I Learned When I Got Laid Off In A City I’d Just Moved…To This Texas Transplant’s Position was Cut just as She was Settling into her New York job, But it Actually Opened up her Options.

When I moved to New York city to take a job as a creative director in 2014, I was ecstatic. After purging at least 70% of my belongings, I happily traded shoe-melting Dallas summers for eyelash-freezing New York winters. It was the first time I’d lived anywhere outside of Texas, so adjusting to my new […]

Your #Career : Pro Tips for Getting into a Great MBA Program from a Consultant Who Charges Thousands of Dollars for Advice…Remember that EVERYTHING Counts — Every Interaction or Lack of Interaction with your Target Schools will be Considered. Be Sure to Manage your Entire Process with Professionalism.

It’s less than two months to go until the round-one deadline at the country’s top MBA program.  Harvard Business School (HBS) has the earliest application deadline with round-one applications for Fall 2017 entry due on September 7. Business Insider caught up with Stacy Blackman, the CEO of aleading MBA-admissions advisoryfirm, to get some advice on […]

#Leadership : Team Building; 5 Understandable Reasons Why Your Co-workers Are on Your Nerves…We, in General, Tend to Attribute our Actions as the Cause for other Events or Reactions Happening. Often This is Not the Case.

While we all have good days and bad days, some people seem to be more difficult on a regular basis than others. Sometimes this seems to just be who they are from a personality point of view. They have a rather negative mindset. They’re grumpy. They don’t smile much and just have a dark cloud […]

Your #Career : 9 Business Ideas Under $1,000 You Can Run From Anywhere…Technology Exists to make Remote Working Convenient, so If you Want the Digital-Nomad Lifestyle & Don’t have a Lot of Startup Cash, here are 9 Low-Cost Business Ideas you Can Start from Anywhere.

Looking to start a business and refuse to be tied down to an office? Turns out you can start a company from the comfort of your own home — or better yet, from an exotic far-flung beach — for under $1,000. How is that possible you might ask? Technology. Maria Dykstra, co-founder of TreDigital, a […]

Your #Career : 5 Kinds Of Freelance Work Worth Quitting Your Job For…Right Now, over 53 Million Americans are Earning Money from Freelance Gigs. By 2020, Half of All Jobs will be Remote, & a Good Chunk of Those Will be Freelance Positions.

These mind-boggling numbers point to a single, inevitable truth: work, as we know it, will never be the same. I have no idea what the work economy will look like by 2050, but that’s exactly why it’s so exciting to think about. A combination of rising rent costs and diminishing benefits has led to record […]

Your #Career : Job Search, Throw Me A Line – I’m Drowning! ….. You Must Establish your Brand & Envision a Target. If you are Persistent & Completely Engaged, You will be Successful. Also Understand that a Proactive, Self-Managed Job Search is Not an Overnight Process.

Work your network – secure referrals through people you know and target companies and key decision makers that will refer you to opportunities in the “unpublished” job market. Excerpt from the book “RESUME DNA – Succeeding In Spite Of Yourself” by John Singer I recently coached a client who had gone through our program and […]

Your #Career : How to Build a Business When You Can’t Quit Your Job…What If you could Build a Business without Quitting your Job? It’s Possible with the Right Approach.

Most of us get the urge to become an entrepreneur at one point or another. We may be called to create something from scratch, or lead a team of people or just earn money without having to answer to a boss. Whatever the motivation, the urge strikes us, but only a fraction of usever take that […]