Entries by First Sun Team

#Leadership : What I’ve Learned By Hiring More Employees With Disabilities…Less than a Fifth of People Living with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities are Employed, but Business Leaders can Help Change That.

Everyone deserves a chance to succeed. And by my estimation, no group has been refused that opportunity more than people living with disabilities (PLWD). Sadly, less than one-fifth of this population is employed. Even though I’ve made expanding opportunities for PLWD my life’s work, I nearly denied my first PLWD hire, Andrew, a fair shake. My company […]

Your #Career : 7 Jobs Paying $100k/Year That You’ve Probably Never Heard Of…As Jobs have Become Scarcer and Harder to Find, People are Getting More and More Creative in their Career Pursuits.

Everyone’s trying to figure out how to make a living. Often, that means working awful, low-paying jobs (or two, or three) in order to put a roof over your head, and food on the table. But jobs come in all shapes and sizes, and if you’re willing to do the gross, the difficult, or the […]

Your #Career : Is Your Attitude Toward Work Killing Your Retirement Dreams? … Do you Have a Generally Positive or Negative Impression of the Word “Retirement”?

To help you make the most of this article, please consider these two questions: #1- Is yours a vicious or virtuous work/retirement circle below?…….#2- What is the next action you’ll take to move in the right direction? [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ […]

#Leadership : 10 Habits That Help You Learn Twice as Fast…Build these Ten Habits into your Learning and you will be Amazed How Quickly your Learning Speed will Increase.

The world is in constant change due to advances in technology, science, and innovation. What was considered “hot” a year ago may no longer be relevant today. Just look at all the new social media platforms that have sprouted since Facebook was created.   Despite all the good that change can bring, you have to […]

#Leadership : 4 Stress-Management Tips for Reducing Anxiety and Getting More Done…If you Let Stress Consume you, it can Hurt your Productivity and Eventually Impact your Bottom Line. For that Reason, it’s Important to find Coping Mechanisms that Allow you to Worry Less.

Anxiety not only impacts your productivity, but it also disrupts your health and well-being. By learning how to manage your stress and finding healthier ways to cope, you can eventually begin to enjoy the chaos of the day. Stress is an inevitable part of working for or running a business. Despite its many rewards, it […]

#Leadership : You’re in Trouble if You Ignore These 5 Applicant Red Flags…I’ve Made every Hiring Mistake in the Book. Everything I’m Warning against Here, I’ve already Done. Which just Goes to Prove I’m One of You.

Most managers/entrepreneurs learn hard lessons about hiring the right people only after they’ve hired the wrong ones. Even after realizing the mistake, business owners still can be prone to errors in judgment. Whether you’re an established entrepreneur or an executive manager who could use a refresher or a newer entrant to business ownership, it’s worth knowing these […]

Your #Career : The Perfect Career? Why There’s No Such Thing as a Dream Job…Holding on to the Idea that You Will One Day Find your Dream Job is a Quick Way to Set yourself Up for Disappointment. You’ll Never be Happy if you Continue to Believe this. Instead, you’ll be Tired, Frustrated, & Bitter.

After graduating from college, you may have had high hopes of finding the perfect job. You’ve probably heard friends and acquaintances brag about how dreamy their jobs were and how they can’t believe they’re getting paid to do what they do. You wanted what they had, so you embarked on a search for your own perfect […]

#Leadership : 6 Keys to Employee Engagement During Times of Distraction…Gallup concluded that 71% of all Employees are either “Not engaged” or “Actively Disengaged.” In Simple Terms, Most Workers are Producing Far Less than They were Capable of Producing.

The problem of disengagement can become even more pronounced during the summer months or any time there is an economic slowdown. Employee attention tends to wander off to those “those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer” rather than their work responsibilities So what can you do to keep your employees engaged, their morale high and […]

#Leadership : Feeling Overwhelmed? Take A Minute (Really 1 Min) & Read This…If you Find you’re Overwhelmed, Take the Time to Process this Privately, So that Public Communication to Employees & Others Can be Done Professionally & Proactively.

We all feel overwhelmed at times. Unfortunately, this is a normal feeling for most of us. The important thing is to realize that this is a momentary state. By shifting into action, you can get rid of this uncomfortable feeling. In most cases, the first reaction to something that’s frustrating is to focus on how […]

#Leadership : How to Create a Cohesive Company Culture…Most Importantly, you Need to Live & Die by these Values if you Expect Them to be More Than just Lip Service & Words on a Wall.

I’ve spent the past decade building a company that is now the largest patient-physician platform in the U.S., and I believe one of the reasons why it was so successful was because of the company culture we put in place from the day the company was founded. This is the same reason I laid out […]