Entries by First Sun Team

#Leadership : A 3-Step Technique for Deciding Which Advice to Follow…If you Ask 10 People for Advice, you’ll Get 10 Different Prescriptions. You can’t Act on All of Them so Which Person Do you Listen To?

Whether it’s getting the green light for a new venture or securing the next round of funding, entrepreneurs are constantly faced with the challenge of communicating their business ideas and plans with stakeholders – board members, advisers and investors. In addition to serving as a status update, stakeholder interactions are huge learning opportunities for entrepreneurs, […]

#Leadership : How We Survived Getting Sued in Our First Year of Business…When People Talk about Running or Starting a Business, Oftentimes they’ll say Something Like, “We Need to be Careful, so we Don’t get Sued.” But, Deep Down, they Don’t Foresee that ever Happening; and, Unfortunately, It does Happen. A Lot.

Battling a lawsuit is hard work, but it is possible for a small business to fight and survive. Doing so will require planning, cool heads and a legal team that is the right fit for your business. With those factors in place, your business will be in a position to not only survive, but to thrive […]

Your #Career : 11 Mistakes Standing Between You and Your First Million (4 min read)…Becoming a Millionaire isn’t as Far-Fetched as You would Believe. With Dedication, Patience and Focus, Becoming a Millionaire is Completely Obtainable. If I can Do It, Anyone Can.

I’ve been a millionaire three separate times in my life. The first time I saw $1,000,000 in my bank account, I almost fainted. Even though I knew it was hitting my account, it still caught me off guard. Becoming a millionaire isn’t as far-fetched as you would believe. With dedication, patience and focus, becoming a […]

#Leadership : Why You Should Hire People With ‘Slash Careers’…The “Slash Career” is all Rage with Millennials, and it’s Important for Employers to Pay Attention.

You know what I’m talking about, right? “I’m a lawyer/writer.” “I work in marketing; I’m also a professional actor.” “I’m in tech, and I have photography business on the side.” In the last ten years or so, these slash careers and side gigs have been on the rise, and many motivated millennials have realized that […]

Your #Career : How To Make ‘I Just Got Fired’ Sound Better When You Interview…Interviewing when Fired is Strenuous, Because it Feels Like you Have to Justify yourself All the Time, But on the Plus Side, you’re Immediately Available, so That’s there’s That.

Your answer should:  #1- Be true….#2- Help you advance in the interview process (or at least not stop you).  It’s very important to keep both of these things in mind. You should answer in a truthful way because it’s the right thing to do, but also because if your potential employer catches you lying before you even […]

Your #Career : Getting Fired Was Step 1 to Increasing My Pay 1,000% in 3 Months…”Gulp.” My Boss had just Told Me the Company was Going in a Different Direction when that Embarrassing Sound Squelched from my Throat.

Though I had under $3,000 in savings and no immediate prospects, I wasn’t devastated. I was relieved. Movie: Office Space I’d been blogging for a premium men’s site for nearly a year. After writing four 800-word articles a day for months, I was burned out, bleary eyed and begging for the end. My heart had abandoned […]

#Leadership : How to Stay in Control of your Meetings…Meetings.  The Bane of Many of our Existence. They Suck Up Time and are Often Unproductive or Don’t Yield the Results we Expect.

I want to talk about a specific type of meeting today — a Board Meeting — but this could easily apply more broadly.  A find many board meetings highly unproductive in that they are often just a date in the calendar where management is set to update its investors and other board members of its performance over the past […]

#Leadership : 4 Mental Practices To Achieve Your Full Potential…Can you Begin to Live your Best Life Ever by Applying a Series of Simple Mental Techniques in your Day-to-Day Life ?

Personally, I’ve been on an evolving journey when it comes to mindset strategies for success. In my twenties, I thought it was all hogwash and I just wanted to learn practical tactics—things to do. In my thirties, I began to realize the importance of slowing down and how the right psychology can lead to the […]

#Leadership : Accelerate Your Understanding Of Teams With These 3 Facts… What are the Differences between a Group and a Team? Here are Facts you Should know to Accelerate your Understanding of Teams.

If you don’t think teams are important, you’re living in a bubble . In the interdependent and technological world of today where the increasing pace of change is constant, teams are the lifeblood that drive better (read sustainable) business. Nobody is smarter than everybody, and while people certainly work beside others in the workplace, they […]

Your #Career : How To Get A Job In A Field You Didn’t Major In…Your Degree doesn’t Chain you to a Field for the Rest of your Career. Here’s How to Use What you’ve Already Learned to Try Something Else.

 To graduate on time, you probably needed to declare your major by your sophomore year. But by the time graduation rolls around, it wouldn’t be surprising if your career ambitions have shifted to something outside of your major. Perhaps an internship didn’t turn out how you expected, or certain courses dampened your passion for the […]