Entries by First Sun Team

#Leadership : The Most Profitable Industries in 2016…Some Businesses Tend to have Healthier Bottom Lines by the Very Nature of the Industries that they Operate In.

Which U.S. industries are the most lucrative? The answer depends on how it’s measured, but based on pre-tax net profit margin, the top money-makers include specialty service providers in accounting, law, health care and real estate, according to the latest ranking from Sageworks, a financial information company. Accounting-related companies (accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping and payroll […]

Your #Career : Your Employees Are Already Job Hunting. What Are You Going to Do?…Whether you Know it or Not, a Lot of your Employees are probably Job-Hunting on the Job. And you Can Guarantee this is True If the Employees in Question are Millennials.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average job tenure for all groups above 25 is 5.5 years. But when you look at the data around employees between 25 and 34 years old, the average job tenure shrinks to three years. Narrow that window down to only those employees between 20 and 24 years […]

Your #Career : 7 Tricks to Instantly Appear Competent…People form Impressions of your Personality in a Matter of Seconds. It’s Not Necessarily Fair, But it’s Reality.

Especially in a professional setting, one thing you’ll want to immediately appear is competent: knowledgeable, skilled, and capable. Fortunately, there are ways to make yourself seem competent as soon as you meet an interviewer, coworker, client, or boss (and sometimes even as soon as they see your photograph).   Here are seven easy, sneaky strategies for appearing as competent […]

Your #Career : 7 Foods That Can Boost Productivity and Creativity….You are What you Eat. You’ve Heard that Plenty of Times Before, but Have you Ever Given it some Serious Thought? What Does it Mean, Exactly?

Think of it this way — if you eat nothing but fried foods, chips, and soda, you’re probably going to be overweight and generally unhealthy. If you take on a vegan diet, you’ll likely be pretty lean. If you eat a lot of protein-packed foods, you’re probably going to be pretty muscular — just like […]

Your #Career : How to Deal With the Office Jerk and Other Difficult People…Take the Same Approach with your Difficult Co-Workers or Boss. Match their Speed, and Slowly Apply the Brakes. This Way, they’ll be More Receptive, and More Open to the Feedback you’re Giving them Regarding their Behavior.

Is your boss a bully? Can you not seem to avoid crossing paths with the office jerk? Are you surrounded by toxic, difficult people all day? Working with dullards and jerks can make your workweek a living hell. Not only are you having to walk on eggshells around certain people, but you also might feel […]

#Leadership : 3 Ways to Use Data to Set and Track Your Organizational Goals…In Short, Employers — Recognizing that Data is Crucial in Goal-Setting and other Business Aspects — are Using Tracking Information to made Educated Decisions.

Data is finding its footing in the workplace: A 2016 survey from i4cp found that 67 percent of organizations surveyed said they now use results from human capital analytics projects. This increase in the use of analytics shows a shift toward predictive practices that will likely have a huge impact on the way companies run […]

#Leadership : 5 Things That Scare the Hell Out of Your Manager…You’re Expected to Produce Results and On Top of All That, Don’t Forget you Need to Make Sure your Employees are Happy, Productive, and Making Your Boss Happy.

Being in charge can be scary. When you’re thrust into the position of manager, boss, CEO, etc., you’re suddenly not just punching the clock when you come into work — you’re expected to produce results and keep the whole operation from imploding. Leadership positions, though typically coveted for their prestige and higher pay, can be […]

#Leadership : 7 Telltale Signs That You Have a Leader’s Mindset…Being a Great Leader is about Setting your Ego Aside and Putting your Team First. It’s About being Present in your Interactions. Most of All, It’s about Looking for Ways to Help your Employees Become the Best Versions of Themselves they can Possibly Be.

Great performers don’t always make great leaders. Need proof? Just look to the sports world. Wayne Gretzky, Isaiah Thomas and Kevin McHale — all legendary athletes whose on-the-field success didn’t translate to storied coaching careers. Leadership, it turns out, is its own distinct set of skills — skills that can be cultivated and developed, just […]

#Life : 9 Yoga Poses You Can Do At Your Desk Without Looking Really Weird (Infographic)…Don’t Settle for Inactivity. Research by the Lancet Estimates that Inactivity Costs the World Around $67.5 Billion a Year.

If you’re a yogi or yogini, you know the benefits of yoga on the body — it can help make you happier and improve flexibility and focus — but sometimes co-workers don’t exactly appreciate your mid-day yoga routine (this is no Ashrama). [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” […]