Entries by First Sun Team

#Leadership : Conquering The 3 Most Common Types Of Company Crisis…As one Entrepreneur explains, “Crisis Management” Isn’t a Monolithic Process or a Skill that Suits every Situation.

Sooner or later, no matter their size, location, or industry, all companies face some sort of crisis. The trouble, though, is that we often talk about “crisis management” like it’s a single skill or process: You have it or you don’t; you do it right or you totally mess it up. But that isn’t the […]

#Leadership : 3 Ways to Know If an Employee Is a Culture Fit…Many Factors Go into Making the Right Hire. Here’s How to Make Sure your Candidate is Right for your Company’s Culture.

A good resume can blow you away. Impressive universities and company histories may be exactly what you are looking for. A job applicant might say all the right thingsin the interview, at which they’re wearing a perfectly pressed suit and spit-shined shoes. This is the new hire, right? Except, at your company, t-shirts and jeans […]

#Leadership : 10 Change-Management Strategies That Are Backed By Science… If Science helps Explain our Negative Reaction to Change, It also Offers Insights for Helping People Deal with Change.

I’ve been speaking on change leadership for over 25 years, but only recently have researchers been able to use technology like functional magnetic resonance imagery (fMRI) to look at the brain and see what actually happens when we’re facing a major organizational change. For example: Most of our daily activities including many of our work habits […]

#Leadership : 7 Things Deeply Intuitive People Do Differently…Steve Jobs Once Said that Intuition is More Powerful than Intellect.

As it turns out, Jobs was onto something, and the scientific community backs him up. It seems that we’ve been giving intuition far too little respect. “Intuition will tell the thinking mind where to look next.” — Jonas Salk In a Salk Institute study, participants were asked to play a card game where they pulled cards […]

Your #Career : 6 Very Clear Signs That Your Job Is Due To Be Automated…And what about you? Are you Sufficiently Aware of the Signs that you Should? To Help you Get the Head Start you May Need, here are the Signs that it’s Time to Fly the Nest.

 In H. G. Wells’s classic The War of the Worlds, the narrator pauses a moment to rue the fact that he didn’t react sooner to the arrival of an “intelligence greater than man’s”—in his case, Martians landing on earth. Comparing himself to a comfortable dodo in its nest, he imagined those ill-fated birds also dithering […]

Your #Career : 6 Reasons This is the Perfect Thank-You Letter to Send After a Job Interview….Your Follow-Up Email (yes, experts say most hiring managers prefer email over hand-written notes) Needs to Stand Out From the Crowd.

You spent weeks polishing your résumé, days writing your cover letter, and countless hours preparing for the job interview. You ace it — and you walk out feeling confident and relieved, like your work is finally done…..But it’s not. You can’t just go home, sit back, and wait. You need to take one last crucial step: send the follow-up note. “The […]

Your #Career : 6 Things you Might Not Realize are Sabotaging your Career, and How to Avoid Them…Want to Get Ahead at Work? Heed this Advice on What to Avoid in the Workplace to Maximize your Professional Potential.

Just because you’re doing a lot of work doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re doing your best work. Mistaking volume for effectiveness Just because you’re doing a lot of work doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re doing your best work. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with your workload — or you feel like you’re not putting out quality […]

Your #Career : 4 Warning Signs Of The Next Recession—And How To Tell If Your Job Is Safe…Recessions are Cyclical, and There are some Foreboding Signs to Watch. Now’s the Time to Hash Out How Much you’re Worth to your Employer.

The U.S. economy may have added more jobs last month than experts had predicted, but while that’s something to cheer, it isn’t cause for getting too cozy. A recent J.P. Morgan economic model, based on a broader range of indicators, puts the chances of a recession occurring within the next 12 months at roughly one […]

#Leadership : Day In The Life; Simple Ways To Turn A Bad Day Around…The Mind is Like a Muscle: It Requires Careful Maintenance or It’ll eventually be Pushed Beyond its Limit Sending You into Burnout Territory.

Being a millennial entrepreneur comes with it’s fair share of emotional ups and downs. Some days your energy is high. Your creativity is on fire.  Other days? You find yourself in a motivational slump, wondering where that inspiration and focus disappeared to. Let’s talk about bad days, because we all have them. Recently I had […]

Your #Career : 20 Signs You’re Destined to Become a Millionaire…In Reality, It’s a Lot More Common Than you Think and Completely Possible If you Have the Right Mentality to Become Rich.

Becoming a millionaire may seem like an unobtainable dream. I’ve been there and felt like it was unattainable and something that would never happen to me.  Then I started reading, studying and mimicking countless different successful millionaires. In reality, it’s a lot more common than you think and completely possible if you have the right mentality […]