Entries by First Sun Team

#Leadership : How to Get the Best from your Employees without Burning them Out…What is it that Drives Employees to Lose Faith in their Employers, Lose Motivation in their Careers, and Drives them Away from your Company and to Another?

We all want to maximize productivity within our businesses, large or small, yet the techniques of the past are rarely sufficient for a modern workforce. More and more, I’m finding that the personal touch goes a long way toward employee productivity, as well as morale and retention. What is it that drives employees to lose faith […]

#Leadership : 3 Tough Habits You Must Drop to Succeed…Your Success or Failure to Create and Scale a Business will Come Down to the Kind of Habits you Incorporate Into your Daily Life.

Follow the habits of highly successful entrepreneurs, and there’s a good chance you will become one too. Strong personal habits that might positively impact a business include: healthy eating and working out, saving money and tithing. Strong work habits might include a regular cold-calling regimen, weekly networking and delegating. There are hundreds of personal and professional habits that make for a […]

Your #Career : How to Recover from a Bad Job Interview…If you’re Like most People, you’ve Left a Job Interview or Two with that Sinking Feeling in the Pit of your Stomach. You Just Knew you Didn’t Get the Job from the Way Things went During the Interview.

If you have ever been in a situation where the interview turned into a runaway train, there are still some things you can do to recover. With some practice, you’ll be able to save your interview from going south.  Here are a few tips for how to salvage a job interview gone terribly wrong.   Problem: Your […]

#Leadership : Ask Yourself These Five Questions Before Making Any Major Decisions…Asking these Pointed Questions will Illuminate your Choice and its Implications in a Totally Different Way.

 Everyone hits a crossroad from time to time. We get stuck in a state of indecision on a problem that seems to have no correct answer, and at times, it can be maddening. The most important decisions, whether in work or in life, never really seem to fall in the black or white. They linger […]

Your #Career : That 9-to-5 Job You Hate Isn’t As Safe As You Think…Most People haven’t Jumped into the Crazy, Be-Your-Own-Boss World of Entrepreneurship Because they’re Tied to an Anchor: the Job they Think is Safe and Steady.

That same “safe” day job keeps people’s side hustles in the category of fun projects that never reach their full potential. In reality, it’s probably a good thing. Diving right into the deep end of the work-for-yourself pool isn’t right for everyone. Realize you’re already taking risks. Being your own boss is risky, and there are no guarantees. Some […]

#Leadership : 7 Incredible Things That Happen Once You Learn To Enjoy Being Alone…Everyone Benefits from Solitude. Take the Opportunity this Week to Spend Some Time Alone.

We live in a world of constant contact—a place that’s losing sight of the importance of being alone. Offices are abandoning cubicles in favor of shared desks and wide-open common spaces, and rather than sitting at their desks working independently, school children are placed in groups. It seems that a never-ending “ping” has become our […]

Your #Career : 4 Ways To Prepare For Inevitable Career Disruption…Disruptive Change is Inevitable. It Doesn’t Have to Be Destructive. Choosing Change Before Immobilizing Obsolescence Knocks on your Door is Within your Control.

“I Never Saw it Coming” is the All-Too Common Lament of Companies and Leaders Blindsided by Technological and Competitive Disruptions that Leave them Immobilized.  Take digital music. iTunes, Spotify, and Pandora obliterated the global commercial music industry. Office and manufacturing automation is eliminating jobs by the thousands. Artificial Intelligence will render roles like accountants, lawyers, stock […]

#Leadership : An Introvert’s Guide To Leadership…As Humans, We Often have a Tendency to Mistake Loudness for Confidence, and Aggression for Strength. As such, Extroverts Often have an Easier Time Rising to the Top of an Organization.

I think a lot of people assume I’m an extrovert because I’m relatively visible in my role at BodeTree and enjoy engaging with people across the board. The truth, however, is that I’m more naturally inclined towards introverted tendencies. I’m more than comfortable keeping to myself and cherish the time I dedicate to quiet introspection. […]

#Leadership : The Self-Driven Manager’s Guide to Leadership…I’ve often Found that Self-Driven People make Good Leaders. After all, They usually are Harder on Themselves than anyone Else Could Ever Be, Which Drives them Towards Success.

Because of this, they act as their own accountability partners and they rarely need to be pushed. They also are not afraid of hard work; perfection must be reached, regardless of the hours. While self-drivers possess many qualities that help them climb the management ladder, they also might struggle when leading people who operate from […]

Your #Career : 9 Reasons To Love #LinkedIn … Study conducted by ROI Research, 59 percent of Respondents said LinkedIn is Their Most Important Account on Social Networks.

It is one of any career-minded professional’s most important personal branding tools because it is replete with features that not only help you stand out and get noticed, they help you do your job better. Here’s why: 1. It’s big! In fact, it is the largest professional network with over 400 million members (and growing). […]