Entries by First Sun Team

Your #Career : This Is How to Manage Your Career Like a CEO…The Best Way to Keep your Career Moving Forward on your Own Terms is to Be Self-Aware, Know your Limitations, and Don’t Be your Own Worst Enemy. Come to Think of It, those are Good Words to Live By.

Remember why you groom your own career in the first place: so you’re never the victim of an incompetent boss or a dysfunctional company. Becoming incompetent yourself would be the ultimate irony. Don’t succumb to the Peter Principle.   One of the most visible signs of a failing business is a talent exodus. We’ve seen […]

#Leadership : 6 Ways to Develop the Poise That Defines a Business Leader…By Definition, Poise is a Self-Confident Manner or Bearing that Offers Steadiness and Stability. It is Most often Indicated in a Particular Way one carries Himself or Herself, and it Can Make the Difference on Whether You are Respected as a Business Leader — or Not.

Audrey Hepburn had it. Jacqueline Kennedy had it. Even Fred Astaire had it. They all had poise. And you can have it too. By definition, poise is a self-confident manner or bearing that offers steadiness and stability. It is most often indicated in a particular way one carries himself or herself, and it can make […]

Your #Career : 5 Foolproof Tips To Make Your Mentorship Count…Mentoring Arrangements can Become a Waste of Time for Both Parties If you Don’t Take a Few Key Steps.

You took the first step and asked someone to be your mentor. Congrats! Whether you chose this seasoned pro to help you hone specific skills or to give you long-term career advice, it’s up to you to drive the relationship—so you get the most out of the time you’re both putting in. [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column […]

Your #Career : 10 Quick Changes That Help Your Resume Get Noticed…If the Applicant Does Not Obey the Rules, the Resume or Application Goes into the Proverbial Black Hole and Never Reaches its Intended Destination.

The adage “What you don’t know won’t hurt you” is very misleading, especially for people in transition or otherwise contemplating a career change. Not only is the contention untrue, but also it in fact hinders the ability to get what you want. Furthermore, it conveys a false sense of positive feeling. For example, those in […]

#Leadership : 5 Insights from a Classic Leadership Book by an Executive Coach Who’s Helped over 150 CEOs … If you’re Set on Progressing in your Career, You’ve got to Commit Yourself to a Course of Personal Development, Which will Likely Be as Uncomfortable as it is Rewarding.

“What Got You Here Won’t Get You There“ highlights the 20 workplace habits that keep business leaders from success.  Author Marshall Goldsmith, a top executive coach who’s worked with more than 150 CEOs and been named multiple times to theThinkers50 list of influential management thinkers, published the bestselling book with Mark Reiter in 2007. Marshall […]

#Leadership : The Best 25 Motivational Quotes To Kick Start Every Morning… Your Ability to Stay Motivated isn’t just for your Personal Benefit; IT affects Those Around You as Well: your Team, your Investors, your Families and Friends. When you Can stay Motivated, Everyone Around you is Improved.

Thoughts become things, and as entrepreneurs and leaders, it is especially important that we remember to pay attention to our thoughts every day and motivational quotes are a great way of doing this. Your ability to stay motivated isn’t just for your personal benefit; it affects those around you as well: your team, your investors, […]

Your #Career : 5 Steps To Prep For Leaving Your Job To Start A New Business…According to a Survey from Deloitte, Two-Thirds of All Millennials Plan to Leave their Job by 2020 and 44% say they Would Leave their Employer in the Next 2 Years. If you Have Got the Itch to Leave your Job, You are Not Alone.

After you’ve chosen a career path, it’s easy to feel like you’re locked into that decision for the rest of your life. Maybe your job isn’t fulfilling, isn’t providing you with sufficient opportunities to develop your leadership, or you just feel like there is nothing new there for you to learn. According to a survey from Deloitte, […]

Your #Career : The Long-Term Memory Hack That Can Grow Your Network And Business…That Hiring Manager or Business Partner May Not be Ready to Act, but You’ll want Them to Remember you When they Are.

 Entrepreneurs and job seekers both live or die by the relationships they build—with new clients, contacts, recruits, investors, and partners. But as any successful relationship builder can tell you, timing isn’t always on your side: Your dream client may not have the budget for your services right now, or maybe a strong candidate for a […]