Entries by First Sun Team

Your #Career : The 5 Best Ways to Network While You’re Still in College… When to Start Looking for a Career/Job? Today, IF you start your Junior Year, your Late!

Thinking about the real world can be intimidating as a college student (I’ve been there!)… So it’s no surprise that our team gets questions from hundreds of students each month about how to network effectively in preparation for a career. The connections I made in college have been instrumental in my post-grad life, including in […]

#Leadership : 8 Bad Mistakes That Make Good Employees Leave…Managers Tend to Blame their Turnover Problems on Everything Under the Sun while Ignoring the Crux of the Matter: People Don’t Leave Jobs; They Leave Managers.

It’s tough to hold on to good employees, but it shouldn’t be. Most of the mistakes that companies make are easily avoided. When you do make mistakes, your best employees are the first to go, because they have the most options. If you can’t keep your best employees engaged, you can’t keep your best employees. […]

#Leadership : The Short, Online Course In Gratitude That Can Make You A Better Boss…When Managers Exercise Positive Psychology, Employees and Organizations Benefit.

Every weekday, Cory Ludens starts his morning by writing out three “gratitudes”—each specific, and never repeated. Over the last four years, he has named roughly 400. “It’s just a part of my life,” says Ludens, vice president of culture and events at Mattress Firm, a Texas-based retailer. “It helps me to create a mind-set that […]

#Leadership : From Old-School To-Do Lists To How Google Hires: August’s Top Read Leadership Stories…August’s Top Leadership Stories May Get you to Take your To-Do List Analog and Help you Get Noticed by a Google Recruiter.

This month we learned how Patagonia recoups 91% of the cost of onsite child care, why an Industrial Age to-do list hack still has life in it, and why Google is thinking more creatively about hiring engineers than it used to. These are the stories you loved in Leadership in August 2016: 1. I HIRE […]

Your #Career : 9 Mistakes that Will get your Résumé Thrown in the Trash…Having a Résumé riddled with Errors is like Shooting Yourself in the Foot before the Race even Starts. There are Minor Problems that Hiring Managers Might Overlook or Forgive.

And then there are the mistakes that’ll get your application thrown out faster than you can say, “It was a mistake to put my CV in Comic Sans font.” Here are several devastating résumé errors that’ll get you immediately tossed into the rejection pile: Vivian Giang contributed to an earlier version of this article. Distracting […]

#Life : 3 Powerful Ways to Keep Your Past From Dictating Your Future…Share your Story, create Connections on a Deeper Level and However you Started Life will Become your Launch Pad Instead of your Burden.

Growing up, I was a pretty unlikely candidate for the life I’m leading today, at least that’s what it looked like from the outside. I was raised in a rougher part of the Newark, N.J. area, and I stumbled into drugs and gang-related stuff pretty early. I got deep into alcohol, marijuana and even almost […]

Your #Career : Just As You Feared, Hating Your Job Is Also Wrecking Your Health…New Research suggests Troubling Links between Job Dissatisfaction and Physical and Mental Health Troubles.

You know that saying, “This job may be hazardous to your health?” Those words, according to a recent study, might not solely apply to careers spent around toxic waste or malfunctioning equipment—they could very well describe any career that’s leaving you unsatisfied. Unsatisfied workers were more likely to report back pain . . . and […]

Your #Career : Need a Job? 5 Ways to Get Employed Faster… A LinkedIn Profile is a Must at this Point – 94% of Recruiters Used the Site to find Candidates, a 2014 Survey by Jobvite found. Overall, 73% of Recruiters said They had Hired a Candidate through Social Media.

If you’re searching for a new job, you’re not alone. Seventy-one percent of workers are workers are either actively looking or interested in finding a new position, according to a survey by Jobvite. For many, the processof finding new work can be tedious at best and soul-deadening at worst.   You can hit the ground […]

Your #Career : 11 Interview Questions That Trip Everyone Up…As Someone who Hires, Throwing you Off your Game is How I can See How you Might Perform Under Pressure in the Workplace.

According to a small business report, 50 percent of companies in 2016 say that hiring is the toughest challenge they face. With 50 percent of business hiring, this means your dream job awaits. Now, it’s time to prepare for the interview questions that trip up even the best of interviewees. You can do this. Keep going and don’t […]

#Leadership : 8 Ways You’re Making People Tune Out When You Speak…You Spend Up to 80% of your Day Communicating, so Take Care Not to Fall Prey to these Common Missteps.

 In meetings, emails, conversations, and conference calls, business leaders spend roughly 80% of their time communicating. So, it’s a significant waste of time and resources if that communication isn’t effective. When it comes to the way we speak to others—either groups or individuals—we can often be inadvertently doing or saying things that undermine our effectiveness. […]