Entries by First Sun Team

Your #Career : 15 High-Paying Jobs for People Who Love to Read…Turns out here are a Lot of High-Paying Professions Out There that Require Strong Reading Comprehension Skills.

Are you a self-proclaimed bookworm? Can you read quickly and comprehend every sentence you consume?  Good news: your passion for books and excellent reading skills may help land you a lucrative job. Editor Turns out there are a lot of high-paying professions out there that require strong reading comprehension skills. Business Insider recently combed through the Occupational Information Network (O*NET), a […]

#Leadership : 21 Signs you’re Mentally Stronger than Average…How Do you Know Where you Fall on the Spectrum? We asked Psychotherapist Amy Morin, the author of “13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do.”

Mental strength takes a long time to develop.  It is the daily practice of pushing yourself to grow stronger, maintaining realistic optimism, and setting healthy boundaries.Mentally strong people don’t dothings like waste time feeling sorry for themselves or give away their power to other people. How do you know where you fall on the spectrum? […]

Your #Career : The Only 7 Steps You Need To Prepare For Your Next Job Interview…There’s a Lot of Interview-Prep Advice Out there—Maybe Too Much. This is What Really Matters.

 You stressed over every little adjective on your resume (“efficient or productive?”). You wrote draft after draft of your cover letter. And now you’ve arrived at the moment of truth: the job interview, when you’ll be face to face with the person who controls your employment destiny. [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” […]

#Leadership : How Women Leaders Emerge From Leaderless Groups…Women are More Likely to Take Command in Collaborative Work Environments—Including Those that are Predominantly Male.

 In spite of a significant imbalance between male and female leaders in business, new research from the University at Buffalo’s School of Management suggests that in collaborative work environments where women are outnumbered, they often emerge as the natural group leader. The findings fly in the face of the reality of the U.S. workforce, where […]

#Leadership : 3 Things Leaders Must Consider For The Sharing Economy…A Constantly Changing Landscape Needs People who are Willing and Able to Constantly Change with It —People who can Adapt Not Only as Individuals, But also as Teams. They Must be Adaptable, Resilient and Curious Enough to Learn So as to Embrace Change Quickly and Continue On.

With teams on the rise in business today according to research by this article, people must be able to coordinate disparate interests, communicate across silos and do so without the added advantage of a stable team environment. After all, the business environment of today is anything but steady—it’s fast moving, constantly changing and a bit chaotic. […]

Your #Career : Walmart Layoffs; Troubling Signs For White Collar Workers…Your Job — Whether you’re a Blue Collar Worker or from the Professional Class — Will always Be in Jeopardy. Sometimes, Like in the Case of the Recent Walmart Announcements, those Threats can Come as a Surprise.

Redundancy and layoffs are typically worries for low-wage, blue-collar workers — at least these days. Technology and automation are creeping into the picture, and that has millions of workers on edge about the future of their jobs. But white-collar workers haven’t experienced the same anxieties, at least not to the same extent. Sure, white-collar employees […]

#Leadership : What I Learned Working At The Pentagon In The Days After 9/11…Brett Eaton Took some Missteps as a Young PR Hand Managing the Media’s First Look at the Pentagon Crash Site. This is What it Taught Him.

We tend to think of strong leaders as people with tremendous resolve, singular focus, maybe even stubborn to a fault. But this view diminishes leaders who excel because they strive to learn, improve, and grow alongside their teams. They roll with the punches. They’re fluid. On September 11, 2001, I was working a low-level contract […]

#Leadership : 10 Things You Can Do to Boost Self-Confidence…Take Charge of your Feelings, and Start Overcoming Obstacles.

Nobody is born with limitless self-confidence. If someone seems to have incredible self-confidence, it’s because he or she has worked on building it for years. Self-confidence is something that you learn to build up because the challenging world of business, and life in general, can deflate it. “Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand […]

Your #Career : 5 New Jobs Skills Employers Are Looking For in 2016…So, What are Employers Looking For, and What Skills Do you Need to Make Yourself an Attractive Candidate? Read on to Find Out.

In a rapidly changing world economy, it’s a question that’s consistently at the top of everyone’s mind: what job skills do I need, and which will get me a job? Hunting for a job requires not only a specific set of strategies and techniques, but also a strong sense of confidence in your abilities. But […]