Entries by First Sun Team

Your #Career : 7 Ways to Make Extra Income Even With a Full-Time Job…Is Your Dwindling Bank Account Impacting your Health?

The American Psychological Association (APA) released a survey showing that money stress impacts Americans’ health nationwide. And, as it turns out, the wealthy are also stressed about money — not just those in lower-income households. So, get out there. Use your imagination to start a flow of extra income today. You can eliminate some of that […]

#Leadership : 6 Habits Of Trustworthy Leaders…The People in your Office May Not Trust you as Much as you Think they Do. Here’s How to Win them Over.

Do the people in your office trust you? Maybe not as much as you think they do. Consulting firm EY released its Global Generations 3.0 research which found that less than half of full-time workers between the ages of 19 and 68 place a “great deal of trust” in their employer, boss, or colleagues. Another […]

#Leadership : Transform Dark Days into Opportunity…The Day that you Find you are Doubting Yourself, Take Private Time to Consider Why that Is.

Your reaction to particularly awful days can make or break future success. The better action to take is to remain as calm as possible. Take quiet time to analyze how far you have come. Think about the twists and turns, and what currently has you stopped in your tracks. Numerous conversations revealed that many almost […]

Your #Career : 7 Science-Backed Steps To Take Before Quitting A Job That’s Burning You Out…Here’s the Latest Research on the Small Tweaks you can Make to Fall Back in Love with a Job that’s Getting the Better of You.

When you first moved your things into your office, you couldn’t wait to put your talents to use and impress your new colleagues with your dedication and drive.  But at some point, that passion to succeed did a slow fade. Instead of killing it on projects, you found yourself going through the motions, bored and […]

#Leadership : 4 Truths You Need to Know About Millennial Job Hopping…Employers are Failing to Create a Supportive Work Environment that Considers the Unique Needs of Millennials.

It’s time to stop blaming millennial job hopping for poor employee retention. Especially when employers are failing to create a supportive work environment that takes into consideration their unique needs. It’s no secret: millennials are job hoppers. A 2016 Jobvite survey of 2,305 Americans found that while only 18 percent of the total workforce changes […]

#Leadership : This FlowChart can Help you Figure Out If you’re a Horrible Boss, or a Great One…Follow the FlowChart to Figure Out If you’re a Great Manager, or a Horrible One

Most people like the idea of being the boss — but not everyone has what it takes to lead effectively. It can be difficult to determine whether or not you’re manager material, even if you’re being honest with yourself. What’s more, once you are in a leadership role, it’s hard to reckon whether or not […]

#Leadership : How You Justify Sticking With Bad Work Habits (And How To Stop)…The more Effort People Put into Something, the More they’ll Tend to Believe in It—Even If that Effort is Misplaced.

You don’t always work as efficiently or productively as you could, and you know it. Chances are you can even identify which ways of doing things you could probably do better if you were to do them differently—but you don’t want to. That’s just the way you do it. You don’t always work as efficiently or […]

#Leadership : What Coach K Can Teach You About Leadership and the Morning Habits of NBA Stars…The most Winningest Coach in NCAA Division I Basketball History Wants to Show you How to Be a Better Leader. He’s Qualified to Do That, Don’t you Think?

Mike Krzyzewski, or Coach K as he’s more commonly called, is much taller in person than he looks on TV. I guess that’s because the coach of Duke’s multiple champion men’s basketball team and Team USA’s gold medal men’s basketball team wasn’t surrounded by 6-foot-11-inch super athletes at the time I met him in a midtown […]

#Leadership : 3 Tools to Build a Leadership Pipeline…Use these Three Tips to Build a Talent Pipeline of Future Leaders and Ensure your Company Remains in Good Hands.

Leaders are difficult to find, leaving many companies scrambling when a higher ranking employee decides to leave. The Global Workforce Leadership survey from Workplace Trends found that almost half of the companies surveyed in February and March 2015 said that leadership is the hardest skill to find in employees. How can companies manage the transition […]

#Leadership : 3 Brain Hacks To Boost Your Motivation When You Need It Most…Different Kinds of Work Require Different Types of Motivation. Here’s How and When to Use these Three Psychological Principles.

I tend to wake up early and do my best work while the sun is coming up. Whenever I try to work late at night, I find I’m less focused and I have trouble thinking creatively. But there is one thing that I’ve noticed that I have more of at night: motivation. Something about the […]