Entries by First Sun Team

#Leadership : 8 Powerful Ways To Conquer Stress… As Simple as These Strategies May Seem, They are Difficult to Implement When your Mind is Clouded with Stress. Force Yourself to Attempt Them the Next Time your Head is Spinning, and You’ll Reap the Benefits that Come with Disciplined Stress Management.

The ability to manage your emotions and remain calm under pressure has a direct link to your performance. TalentSmart has conducted research with more than a million people, and we’ve found that 90% of top performers are skilled at managing their emotions in times of stress in order to remain calm and in control. Stress […]

Your #Career : How To Know Which Skills To Develop At Each Stage Of Your Career..By Mid-Career, the Hard Skills that Got You the Job Won’t Be the Ones That Get you Promoted.

At the start of your career, chances are good that you’ll be hired primarily for your “hard skills”—the stuff you know that’s relevant for the job. When you’re fresh out of college or even a few years into your career, things like what software you’ve mastered, the knowledge you’ve picked up during internships and in […]

#Leadership : 3 Ways Walking Away From Your Desk Makes You Smarter…When the Body Moves the Brain Functions Better.

Exercise can improve concentration, learning, creativity and memory. Basically, moving more makes you smarter, mentally faster and more creative. And all of that helps you to grow your business. When you’re running a business, you need to think clearly, learn fast and find creative solutions to pressing problems. While you’re probably pretty good at these things, […]

#Leadership : 10 Signs That You Suck As a Leader…Your Staff Won’t Tell you That you’re Terrible. You’ll Just Have to Figure it Out Yourself.

If you ask one of your key employees how you’re doing as a leader, chances are that you aren’t going to get a 100 percent honest answer. The employee probably isn’t going to tell you your faults, when you have the power to destroy his or her employment. [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” […]

#Leadership : 5 Steps To Harness Your Brain’s Unconscious Decision-Making Powers…Yes, “Sleeping On It” Actually Works. Here’s How to Make it Work even better.

 “Have you not noticed that, often, what was dark and perplexing to you the night before,” the inventor Alexander Graham Bell once asked, “is found to be perfectly solved the next morning?” Probably, you have. If “sleeping on it” works, it’s partly because when you sleep, your prefrontal cortex—the center of what makes you, you—powers […]

#Leadership : 5 Ways Smart Leaders Ruin Companies…The Bad News is that These Mistakes are as Common as They are Damaging. The Good News is that They’re Really Easy to Fix, Once you’re Aware of Them.

Most businesses are run by highly intelligent people. Yet, when things fall apart it’s usually due to these highly intelligent leaders’ stupid mistakes. Tragedies happen when smart leaders, who are otherwise great, sabotage themselves, day after day, with mistakes that they can’t see but are obvious to everyone else. How can smart, experienced people with […]

#Leadership : Dos and Don’ts: How To Use Your Girl Power In Corporate Culture…The Corporate World Changes so Fast that Your Employee or Colleague of Today can Become your Leader of Tomorrow, so it is Important that You Build Relations at Work.

There’s no shortage of women entering the travel industry — but men dominate when it comes to senior management, especially in the hotel industry. According to a 2015 white paper produced by the Hospitality Industry Pipeline Coalition, women hold less than 40 percent of all managerial positions in hospitality, less than 20 percent of general management roles and just 5 to […]

#Leadership : What Elite Athletes Can Teach You About Being A Better Business Leader…Playing Sports at an Elite Level requires Commitment, Humility, and Perseverance—All Necessary Traits of Great Leaders.

 Playing sports at an elite level requires commitment, humility, perseverance, and other attributes similar to those of great leaders. In fact, elite athletes can tell us a great deal about how to be better leaders, says Stan Beecham, author of Elite Minds: How Winners Think Differently to Create a Competitive Edge and Maximize Success. “The […]

#Leadership : 35 Killer Quotes From the Stars of Shark Tank…Need Some Inspiration? These Lessons From the Sharks Will Motivate You.

Over the past seven years, the savvy moguls at the helm of ABC’s Shark Tank — Mark Cuban, Barbara Corcoran, Lori Greiner, Robert Herjavec, Daymond John and Kevin O’Leary — have heard countless pitches and offered more than $66 million to help aspiring entrepreneurs around the country turn their visions into reality. The eighth season […]

#Leadership : 15 Things Your Boss Is Tired of Hearing…Communication is Essential to Career Success. When you’re Trying to Impress your Boss, it’s Important to Know the Right Words to Use. Even a Small, Offhand Statement Could Send the Wrong Message, Damaging your Career for Years.

The boss-employee relationship can be a precarious one. Even the best managers may have difficulty communicating at times, especially if anemployee’s behavior is frustrating. Whether you’ve been at your job for a few months or more than a decade, it’s important to realize that your words make a big difference in how your boss perceives […]