Entries by First Sun Team

#Leadership : 3 Lessons From Tim Ferriss About Avoiding Burnout…A Chance Encounter with the Productivity Guru yields Three Priceless Insights.

We sat in the southern courtyard of Oheka Castle, the 127-room chateau-style estate along New York’s affluent North Shore. As the other guests at the Shopify Build-A-Business VI dinner made their way back inside, I saw Mr. Productivity himself sitting a few chairs down: Tim Ferriss. I’d been a staunch follower of his work since 2007 — the release […]

#Leadership : 3 Signs You Have Succumbed to Helicopter Management…There is Nothing Efficient about Hovering Over the People you Hired because you Trusted they Can Do the Job.

Helicopter parenting took off in the 1980s, when paranoia was at an all-time high over child abductions, and the U.S. was in an economic boom that made things like SAT prep classes and expensive extracurriculars the standard. For years now, there have been discussions about how helicopter parenting is ruining America’s children and we know […]

#Leadership : 15 Social Media Podcasts to Take Your Marketing Skills to the Next Level…Take it From the Pros — these Podcasts will Help Boost your Social Media Presence.

What should you do if you want to become the best at what you do?  There’s probably a long list, with lots of options. One thing we’re particularly fond of at Buffer when it comes to improving ourselves is listening to podcasts relevant to our niche and industry. In our case, that means social media […]

#Leadership : 3 Steps to a Well-Structured Presentation…Many People Struggle with Writing Business Presentations. What’s Needed is a Structured Way to Think about the Presentation.

PowerPoint presentations are an ingrained part of the business experience: A 2015 survey by OutsidetheSlide.com found that more than 25 percent of workers surveyed said they see at least one presentation every workday. Related: Avoid the PowerPoint Trap by Having Less Wordy Slides And that may be a problem, considering the less-than-optimal way in which today’s organizations communicate […]

#Leadership : Managing Conflict Is Essential to Success…A Functional Workplace of Diverse People and Ideas is Fertile Ground for Creativity — and for Conflict. Here’s How to Be a Good Referee.

You gotta give a little. De-escalation relies on both parties being able to see another person’s point of view. They must be willing to give a little bit. By becoming able to compromise, they free themselves and each other to work toward the win/win.   Those of you who have read my articles before can probably envision me embroiled in […]

#Leadership : Doing Good While Doing Well: 3 Ways to Bring Purpose to Your Business…Donating Money Helps, but, Nothing Compares to Hands-On, Thoughtful Philanthropy.

Writing a check might take only a minute, but it could never accomplish the results that hands-on, thoughtful philanthropy achieves. Corporate philanthropy is a great way to grow your network, build your brand and influence a cause dear to your company. In 2015, corporate philanthropic giving saw a 3.9 percent increase from 2014, reaching $18.46 billion. This […]

#Leadership : 3 Crucial Things I’ve Learned In My First 30 Days As A Manager…Here’s How this Buffer Engineer Quickly Faced her Fears about Managing People she Felt were Better Developers Than she Was.

It feels ridiculous for me to write about being an engineering manager. It’s a job I’ve done for not even 30 days yet. But that’s what I want to know from others—how did you start? How did you make it through your first month? No two first rodeos are ever alike. But they’re all rodeos, and […]

Your #Career : These Are The College Degrees That Earn The Highest Salaries…Most STEM Degrees Pay Graduates the Highest Wages, But there Are other College Majors that Offer Good Return on the Education Investment.

 With student loans reaching an all-time high, it’s no surprise that many are now questioning whether their education is worth the expense. The average 2015 college graduate completed their education with $35,051 in student loan debt, according to a study by Edvisor, and a survey by Salary.com found that 35% of 15,000 respondents believe a […]

Your #Career : 10 Ways You’re Blowing A Job Interview, and How to Fix…After Interviewing Hundreds of Applicants, Here are a Few Common Mistakes that Damage your Chances of Success.

As you know, it’s not always easy to get an interview for a job, but when you do get that call-back for a live interview, it feels great and a little nerve-wracking. When I used to get that all-important call giving me the time to come in for an interview, I know it would start […]

#Leadership : 13 Habits of the Most Persuasive People…Whether you’re Convincing your Boss to Fund your Project or your Preschooler to Put his Shoes On, Persuasion is a Skill that’s Instrumental to your Success in Life.

Persuasive people have an uncanny ability to get you leaning toward their way of thinking. Their secret weapon is likeability. They get you to like more than their ideas; they get you to like them. Too many people succumb to the mistaken belief that being likeable comes from natural, unteachable traits that belong only to a […]