Entries by First Sun Team

Your #Career : The Right Way To Discuss Your Failures In A Job Interview…Take Complete Ownership—Even If it Wasn’t All your Fault. Here’s How.

In interviewing hundreds of people, I’ve found that the way a candidate answers one key question tells me more about them than any other. I’ll usually wait until the candidate has relaxed somewhat and begins to open up. Then, about halfway through the interview, I’ll ask, “What has been a moment of significant professional disappointment […]

#Leadership : 100 Podcasts That will Make you Smarter and More Successful…If you Have an Interest in Entrepreneurship, Tech, Leadership, Business, Creativity, Or just Learning and Expanding your Mind, Here are 100 Podcasts that can Help you Bring your Best to All you Do.

Podcasting is a great way to learn and be inspired. It’s a new use of technology that hearkens back to the original social medium, storytelling. If you have an interest in entrepreneurship, tech, leadership, business, creativity, or just learning and expanding your mind, here are 100 podcasts that can help you bring your best to […]

#Leadership : From Landing A Promotion To Harnessing Stress: October’s Top Leadership Stories…This Month’s Top Stories may Help you Put your Stress to Good Use, Write Better Cover Letters, or Even End the Year with a Promotion.

This month, we learned which cover letter gaffes turn hiring managers away, what kinds of work-related stress may actually be useful, and why the cybersecurity sector may want to consider recruiting musicians. These are the stories you loved in Leadership in October 2016: 1. I REVIEW HUNDREDS OF COVER LETTERS—HERE’S WHAT I INSTANTLY REJECT The […]

Your #Leadership : 4 Hallmarks of Leadership in a Time of Crisis…So, the Message Here is: It Doesn’t Matter How Large or Small a Company yours Is; you Simply Can’t Ignore Crisis Communications.

Above all, the biggest mistake you can make in a crisis situation is doing nothing. Be prepared, work the plan, respond quickly and take appropriate action — lead. Your customers and your team may even thank you for it.  News of your imminent merger was just leaked by a young, ambitious journalist who caught your […]

#Leadership : How I Decreased My Weekly Office Hours From 40-plus to Less Than 8…Can a CEO Work Eight Hours a Week? Yes, and Here’s One Who Did It.

You sit down at your desk ready to destroy your workday. You brew a pot of coffee, break out your calendar and dive into your most important task. Related: 4 Productivity Tips That Changed My Life This Year And then it happens. The phone rings, or a co-worker stops by to say “hey.” Maybe your boss swings by […]

Your #Career : 13 Verbs Employers and Recruiters want to See on your CV/Resume…Survey of 150 Employers to Find Out What they Want to See on Your Resume – and Here is the Consensus.

CV writing: it’s a deeply awkward process – from working out which tense to write in (hint: do past tense) to deciding whether to list your love of paragliding among your hobbies. But now CV writing service StandoutCV has surveyed 150 employers to find out what they want to see on your resume – and […]

Your #Career : Exactly How To Position Yourself As A First-Time Jobseeker…Here’s what “Personal Branding” Looks Like When you Don’t have Much Work Experience to Draw On.

If you’re kicking off an entry-level job search, standing out in a sea of qualified candidates can be tough. After all, your work experience is likely limited to internships, and your academic credentials may be a hit or miss as far as an employer’s needs are concerned. So how do you break through? It’s all […]

#Leadership : Why My Company Started Helping Our Best Employees Quit…This Company Sits Down with Every Employee who’s Stayed for Three Years to Plan their Career Options—within the Firm and Without.

 In a recent Wall Street Journal article, Superbosses author Sydney Finkelstein argues that some of the most successful leaders encourage their top-performing talent to leave. He also observes that some of the most transformative executives have the shortest tenures at the companies they reshape. The reason, Finkelstein says, is simple: It’s difficult to acquire and […]

#Leadership : 10 Bad Habits You Must Eliminate from Your Daily Routine…When it Comes to Productivity, the Little Things Make All the Difference. Quit Sabotaging Yourself with These Bad Habits.

You are the sum of your habits. When you allow bad habits to take over, they dramatically impede your path to success. The challenge is bad habits are insidious, creeping up on you slowly until you don’t even notice the damage they’re causing. “Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are […]