Entries by First Sun Team

#Leadership : Five CEOS On The Skills It Takes To Land The Corner Office…These Business Leaders Share Some of the Skills they Didn’t Expect They’d Need Once they Tot to the Top.

The lure of the top corner office is strong, but there’s a reason not everybody grows up to be the head of a company—the job is a massive undertaking. CEOs are asked to do it all: setting strategy, closing deals, hiring people, firing people, calming irate customers, fixing broken light switches. And sometimes that’s just […]

Your #Career : How Getting Fired Could Be the First Step Toward a Better You…Few Things are More Motivating than Losing your Job. Don’t Squander this Opportunity to Learn About Yourself and Embrace a New Direction.

Getting fired can feel like rejection or the painful end of something. It certainly doesn’t feel good. It can cause you to go into protective mode and tell yourself a story that wasn’t your fault. It also can lead you to beat yourself up for not meeting expectations. People get fired for many reasons. Perhaps the […]

#Leadership : Why you Should Never Work Longer than 90 Minutes at a Time…By Working in 90-Minute Intervals (or Less) you Could Maximize your Productivity. Here’s What you Need to Know.

There’s so much emphasis on increasing productivity these days. Some companies are even doing things like doing away with meetings altogether to try to increase it. Workers are being mindful of productivity, too. Given the pace and expectations of modern life, we’d all like to understand how to best maximize our time and energy. It […]

#Leadership : 4 Ways Your Leadership Development Is Failing Managers…Companies, after All, Don’t Choose Managers by Drawing Names Out of a Hat. So, How Do Good Employees Become Bad Managers?

Nobody sets out to become a bad manager, but the fact of the matter is, there are a lot of bad ones out there. The 2015 State of the American Manager: Analytics and Advice for Leadersreport from Gallup analyzed the engagement levels of 27 million employees worldwide. It found that managers accounted for at least […]

#Leadership : Why Everyone’s Salary Should Be Revealed…Transparency in Pay Provides Employees with Reassurance that They are Being Treated Fairly in Relation to Their Peers.

 When it comes to their salaries, Americans are pretty pessimistic.  Almost two-thirds of over 71,000 U.S. employees who are paid the market rate for their positions believe they’re underpaid, according to a PayScale survey. These workers also said they’re considering looking for higher-paying work somewhere else, and they’d still leave if you gave them a […]

#Leadership : How to Disrupt Your Next Meeting — and Look Like the Smartest Person in the Room…Even the Most Ineffective Meetings Represent Opportunities for Leverage.

Eighty percent of success, the saying holds, is about just showing up.  By this measure, the millions of meetings that are held in offices across the U.S. every day provide attendees with a strong chance to make the other 20 percent happen. If they could appreciate being there, that is.  Last year, a survey of 2,066 Americans […]

#Leadership : The Future of Work- LinkedIn Data Shows More Cash-Strapped Millennials Turning To Part-Time Freelancing…The Ranks of Part-Time Freelancers are Swelling, Particularly Among Younger Workers in Expensive Cities.

The number of U.S. workers with full-time jobs who freelance on the side is sharply on the rise. According to our data here at LinkedIn, the share of those users in our top professional fields has doubled in the past five years. What’s more, the number of people freelancing on the side of their day […]

#Leadership : Vision- 6 Habits That Turn Dreams Into Reality…The Secret of Turning Wishful Thinking into a Life of Action and Achievement.

When I was growing up, I wanted to be an entrepreneur. I discussed this aspiration with career advisors, family and friends. I outlined my plans in university student kitchens at three in the morning. It was the main conversation in the staff cafeteria of the large corporation I joined to tide me over until I […]

#Leadership : Actually, Women Do Ask For Raises As Often As Men—They Just Don’t Get Them…A Recent Study Shows that Women Know What they’re Worth and Aren’t Afraid to Ask for It. It’s Their Employers that Don’t.

 Almost a decade ago, Carnegie Mellon professors Sarah Laschever and Linda Babcock found that men ask for raises and promotions four times more than women do. Their research has now been cited so often that it’s just about become popular wisdom. But a new study by researchers at London’s Cass Business School, the University of […]