Entries by First Sun Team

#Leadership : The 9-to-5 Workweek Is Dead. Here’s What’s Next…Could Reimagining the 40-Hour Week Grind Make your Company More Productive?

Your mind could have drifted thousands of miles away, but as long as your body showed up to work at Dallas-based tax firm Ryan, that was all that mattered. “We literally ranked people by hours,” says Delta Emerson, president of Ryan’s global shared services. “Even if someone worked 24 hours the day before, they still […]

Your #Career : 22 Things that Make you Sound Rude in a Job Interview…Here are Some Particularly Inconsiderate, Alienating Things to Avoid Saying in an Interview.

Most people don’t try to come across as rude — for whatever reason, they just don’t realize how their actions look to others. That can lead to a rather rude awakening for them down the line, once they’re confronted with the consequences of their conduct. One of the worst places that you can come off […]

Your #Career : Job Hunting Through The Holidays…Now is Not the Time to Stop All that Momentum you Have Been Developing.

Can I tell you a little secret? Smart people keep job hunting through the holidays. Smart people realize a few things about job hunting through the holidays: There is less competition Hiring managers are still looking HR professionals get to pick from a very smart and select group Family will understand Your friends and family […]

#Leadership : The Productive Manager’s Guide To The Holiday Season Slump…Easing Up on Certain Rules this Time of Year Rather than Enforcing them May Actually Lead to Better Outcomes.

 The approach of the holiday season is something many managers greet with quiet dread. From Thanksgiving onward, a steadily rising wave of excitement and distraction can threaten to get in the way of focused work. But the wisest—and, ultimately, most productive—approach is not to fight it. Making room for a little festive fun, within limits, […]

Your #Career : 12 Secrets to Supercharging Your Personal Brand…How a Powerful Personal Brand can Help your Business Achieve Massive Success.

Look at anyone who’s crushing it in business and life and you’ll usually see it’s not just their business that’s doing well; they also have a powerful personal brand. These veteran entrepreneurs share their top strategies to supercharge your personal brand. In the process, you’ll create diehard customers who buy from you for years to […]

#Leadership : 9 Business Tools for Working Smarter Instead of Harder…Working Hard is Good. Working Harder than you Need to Isn’t.

Time is of the essence when you’re running a business. As an entrepreneur, you’re responsible for a variety of duties — content creation, trend tracking and finding leads, just to name a few. And there often isn’t enough time in the day to get everything on your checklist done. There is something to be said […]

#Leadership : Managing Conflict Is Essential to Success…A Functional Workplace of Diverse People and Ideas is Fertile Ground for Creativity — And for Conflict. Here’s How to Be a Good Referee.

Those of you who have read my articles before can probably envision me embroiled in numerous conflicts. To keep from being killed or killing someone, I have acquired fairly effective survival skills. I’m not a pacifist; in fact, people who say “fighting never solves anything” make me think they have been on the losing end of every fight they’ve […]

#Leadership : How Successful Leaders Communicate With Their Teams…Choosing your Medium — Text or In-Person? — and Keeping your Message Decisive and Focused are Just Two of the Key Strategies.

One of the most critical factors for your success as a leader will be how you communicate with your team. On a primary level, communication is all about exchanging information, whether that means brainstorming as a group, delegating responsibilities, setting expectations or alerting others to a problem. Related: 5 Ways to Effectively Communicate With Employees The completeness, accuracy, […]

Your #Career : Five Myths About Landing a Good Job Later in Life… The Conventional Wisdom says it’s Impossible. The Facts Say Otherwise.

There’s a stereotypical view of job opportunities for older workers, and it’s not pretty.  It goes something like this. If you’re past 50 and thinking of a career switch, forget it. The opportunities for older workers in the new economy are pretty much nonexistent. As the U.S. economy shifts from manufacturing to services, it’s creating […]