Entries by First Sun Team

#Leadership : The Better Way To Break Bad News…The Bad News is That you’re Probably Breaking Bad News the Wrong Way. The Good News: These Four Steps can Fix That.

 Here’s some bad news: You’re probably delivering bad news the wrong way. Every company, team, and manager hits setbacks, and it’s always somebody’s job to break the unpleasant news to others. But the way to talk about even the toughest turns for the worse isn’t simply to put a falsely positive spin on what went […]

#Leadership : 7 Beneficial Tips for Managing Your Virtual Work Team…Add These Tips to your Work Routine and your Team Will Run Like a Well-Oiled Engine.

When I began doing most of my work online as the head of a virtual team, I realized that the first problem I needed to resolve was a personal one — and kind of an embarrassing one: I would lounge around on the sofa with my laptop perched on my knees, as I drifted between work and sleep. […]

#Leadership : Time Management Experts Share Their Secrets For Staying Productive During The Holidays…An Overloaded Calendar can Make December Feel Like the Least Productive Time of Year. But with Some Small Shifts, it Doesn’t Have to Be.

It may be the most wonderful time of the year, but it’s also the busiest. Chances are your social obligations are picking up as well as your off-hours tasks. How do you get everything done without sacrificing productivity at work? It might not feel like it, but it’s possible to meet goals, beat deadlines, and […]

Your #Career : 17 Ways you Should Invest your Time in your 20s for Long-Term Success…Your 20s are a Particularly Crucial Time in Life. Many Call these the “Formative” Years, and the Habits You Form Now can Carry you Through the Rest of your Life. So What’s the Best Way to Spend this Time?

Don’t waste time, because that’s “the stuff life is made of.”  It was good advice when Benjamin Franklin said it, and it’s good advice now, no matter your age. But your 20s are a particularly crucial time in life. Many call these the “formative” years, and the habits you form now can carry you through […]

Your #Career : How to Build a Positive Relationship With Your Boss and Colleagues…Mutual Respect Makes the Office Much More Pleasant.

In the past, an employee’s relationship with their direct supervisor was found to be one of the most influential factors on whether or not the employee enjoyed their job. Over time, this dynamic has somewhat changed. In recent years, relationships with colleagues have become increasingly influential in the perception of job satisfaction. Part of this […]

Your #Career : 37 Free Online Marketing and Social Media Classes to Elevate Your Skills…Where Can you Go For the Best, Most Useful Marketing Information? Check Out these Free Resources.

When I first started out with digital marketing, I was blown away by the sheer amount of online marketing resources and social media classes. I read hundreds of articles and enrolled in as many marketing courses that I could possibly get my hands on. Even today, millions of resources continue to be published online every […]

#Leadership : How Inefficient Processes Are Hurting Your Company…Siloed, Difficult-to-Use Business Systems Complicate Processes and Hamper Operations. Is This True of your Organization?

Companies today are burdened by siloed, difficult-to-use business systems that complicate processes and hamper operations. According to market research firm IDC, companies lose 20 to 30 percent in revenue every year due to inefficiencies. Related: 5 Ways CEOs Can Empower Teams to Develop Collaborative Workplaces And yet, many companies continue to “make do” with their current […]

#Leadership : IKEA Introduces Trailblazing Parental Leave Policy in Retail Sector…Sad but True: The U.S. is Still One of only Four Nations in the World that Fails to Guarantee the Right to Paid Maternity Leave.

Sweden, on the other hand, is unequivocally the sweetest country for working moms or dads, lavishing parents to a whopping 480 paid days off per child. Several top companies here in the U.S. are finally starting to catch up with the progressive Scandinavian nation, particularly in the tech sector. Most recently, IKEA expanded its paid […]

#Leadership : This Is The Hidden Challenge In The Future Of Work…New Research Suggests we Need to Stop Worrying about Robots Taking our Jobs and Concentrate on Workforce Development.

On the heels of a mostly positive jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) (4.6% unemployment is the lowest it’s been in nine years), the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) released a more sobering snapshot of the world of work. A briefing by MGI director James Manyika, compiled from the company’s extensive research, took […]

Your #Career : 7 Things That Will Destroy Your Career… Most People Kill their Careers in Subtle, Decidedly Undramatic Ways. And It’s a Shame Because it Happens All the Time.

There are so many things that can kill the careers of good, hard-working people. Honest mistakes often carry hard-hitting consequences. Most people  kill their careers in subtle, decidedly undramatic ways. And it’s a shame because it happens all the time. A recent survey by VitalSmarts found that 83% of people had seen someone make a […]