Entries by First Sun Team

#Leadership : The Three Biggest Leadership Mistakes I Made In 2017, And How I’ll Fix Them In 2018… Mistake #2: I Allowed my Stress and Anxiety to Set the Tone for the Organization

For years, I’ve preached the value of self-awareness to anyone who will listen. Whether in your personal or professional life, the ability to confront your strengths and weaknesses head-on is essential for personal growth. Now that we’re starting a new year, it’s a perfect time to take a moment and reflect on the mistakes we’ve […]

Your #Career : What You Should Know Before Asking For A #Raise In 2018…Keep the Following Things in Mind in Order to Raise the Odds of Increasing your #Salary .

In an ideal world, you’d get offered the salary you want right off the bat. But if you’ve been working or job hunting for a while, you probably know that very few people receive their perfect offer right out of the gate. Most of the time, you have to ask for what you want, make […]

Your #Career : How You’ll Look For A Job In 2018…Here are Three(3) Things to Pay Careful Attention to If you’re Among those Who Plan to Look for Work in 2018.

Plenty of New Year’s resolutions include searching for a new job. And people don’t just add it to their lists because they hate their current job. Overall, ZipRecruiter found that nearly half (49%) of Americans who are actively looking for a new job said they love, or at least like, their current job. But 68% of employed […]

Your #Career : How To Become Indispensable At Work This Year…You can Gain some Job Security and Maybe even a Promotion by Taking these Actions.

Virtually every office has one: that employee who is the go-to contact and seems to knows everything and everyone. The office can’t run without her. No one wants to think about what would happen if he ever left. Being such a critical part of the team has a number of benefits, including a measure of […]

#Leadership : 7 Steps for Maintaining Your Composure in Times of Chaos…During Times of Uncertainty and Adversity you Must Avoid Making your People feel Unsafe and Insecure. Here are Seven Ways to Maintain Leadership Composure During the Most Pressure-Packed Moments.

Let’s face it: Uncertainty is the new normal and growing tensions between leaders and their employees are creating challenges like never before. This requires those leaders to act and face change fearlessly and authentically. They must have the wisdom and courage to step back, be a little vulnerable and then influence the outcome – all […]

#Leadership : 3 Ways to Guide Your Employees Toward Empowered Decisions…Traditional Top-Down Management can Create a Single Point of Failure within Each Department: a Middle Manager Held Accountable for his Team’s Projects and Products.

According to a Harvard Business Review analysis released in September, U.S. companies are wasting more than $3 trillion every year on excess bureaucracy and management — which is equivalent to 17 percent of our country’s GDP. That’s an astonishing amount of money, and I believe one of the keys to reversing this trend is addressing a structure that […]

#Leadership : The Top 5 Ways Work Changed In 2016…From Minimum Wage Hikes to Higher Health Care Costs, 2016 was a Year of Big Changes for the American Worker.

It’s probably an understatement to call 2016 a year of turning points.  The U.S. presidential election, culminating in Donald Trump’s upset win in November, thrust labor and employment issues into a more prominent place in the news cycle. But it wasn’t just politics that fueled major shifts in the world of work. Here’s a look […]

Your #Career : Five Annual-Review Mistakes You’re Probably Making…Performance Reviews Shouldn’t Be One Awkward Conversation every December. Here are the Common Missteps to Avoid.

Companies like Accenture, Microsoft, and General Electric are ditching annual performance reviews for more frequent feedback sessions, but for many others the practice is a way to end the year with a keen plan for the future. The key to doing it successfully is not confusing performance evaluation with performance management, says Christine M. Riordan, […]

Your #Career : 5 Components of an Attention-Grabbing Resume…You Only Get a Few Seconds for your Resume to Make the Cut, but That’s All you Need When you Know What Hiring Managers are Looking For.

A resume is one of the most important documents you attach your name to. The content on these few pages can drastically change your life, presenting you with new opportunities or taking you down a new career path altogether. With 2017 right around the corner, many “career change” New Year’s resolutions will be made. If […]