Entries by First Sun Team

#Leadership : How To Lead A Productive #PerformanceReview …How Can you Make the Performance Review something of Value for You & your Employee?

Employees dread the performance review. They look to this yearly evaluation with angst, annoyance and anger. It’s a measure of their whole year bottled into a one- to two-hour meeting that will determine their promotion, raise, etc. They often don’t even leave with feedback on how to grow; it’s mostly a waste of time. Leaders […]

Your #Career : This Is How To Conquer Even The Most Hardcore #Networking Anxiety…Having #SocialAnxiety isn’t the Same as just Being a Natural #Introvert, which Means there are Steps you can Take to Mitigate It.

As an anxious person, there are few things I dread more than large, unstructured networking events. Hell is nothing if not balancing a plate of hors d’oeuvres while desperately scanning the room for a kindly looking duo or trio who might welcome me into their conversation. Despite fearing these situations, I know they’re an important […]

#Leadership : How To #Communicate With People Who Disagree With You…Research Suggests Oral(Ouch!), Not Written, Communication Works Best.

We’ve all been there: those times you need to argue your point of view to someone who you know disagrees with you. You immediately go to your keyboard and start to type out that 280-character tweet, the Facebook reply, or a paragraphs-long email. Surely the reason, logic, and sheer power of your written words will […]

Your #Career : The Best Way to Answer “Why are You Leaving your Job?” Without Making your #Interviewer Worry… There are Many Reasons Why you Might have Left your Last Job, and Not All of Them are Rosy.

Answering the interview question “Why are you leaving your job?” can be difficult.  You want to show your motivations, but also not worry the interviewer.  Emphasize results, be polite, and don’t dwell on your current/previous employer. Focus on you. There are many reasons why you might have left your last job, and not all of […]

#Leadership : Lessons In Leadership From Alabama Football’s #Saban, Tagovailoa & Hurts… Make Sure you’re Building your #Team for the Future – When it’s your Turn to Be the Next Man Up, be Ready to Go, No Excuses.

So many great moments in last night’s college football championship game. So many people stepping up in different ways. Three stand out as leaders: Coach Nick Saban being ready to make required changes and having the courage to make the changes when he needed to do so; freshman reserve quarterback Tua Tagovailoa stepping up to […]

#Leadership : The Secret To #Teamwork Isn’t Managing Personalities Stop Trying to Turn Everyone into “Team Players.”…Here’s How to Set a Baseline that Everybody can Commit To–No Matter How Different they Are.

When I started out as an illustrator and designer, I focused way too much on myself. I thought I was only expected to do the work I was skilled at, figuring that the task of getting everyone on my team to pull together was our boss’s job, not mine. That assumption wound up hurting me. I […]

Your #Career : Even If Your #NewJob Is a Bad Fit, Don’t Quit…How to Evaluate Whether the Challenges Can be Overcome or it’s Really a #ToxicWorkplace.

You’re psyched for your first day on a new job—until you arrive and find your new colleagues miserable, the atmosphere stifling or the boss overbearing and obnoxious. Is it ever OK to quit on your first day? Making a wise decision requires pausing for a moment. The key is to distinguish between challenges you should try […]

Your #Career : Here’s What To Do When Common #CareerAdvice Doesn’t Work For You.. When working with your Former Company’s Sponsored ‘highly processing’ #OutplacementServices & Programs. Here is What you Can Do on your Own.

“After Cattle Call Meeting to Simply Sign Up on their Website. Now What??” You’re  smart enough to spot bad career advice, but what about when you get good advice that you know works for a lot of people, but doesn’t work for you? It can be tempting to throw your hands in the air and say “I […]