Entries by First Sun Team

#Leadership : How To #FindAJob That Keeps You Happy In The Long Term…Looking for a #NewJob Takes Time & Energy, so Be Sure you Know What you Want Before you Even Start the Process.

If you’re thinking about jumping ship this year, you’re not alone. According to a new survey from Glassdoor, 35% of recruiters, HR professionals, and hiring managers anticipate that more employees will leave their companies within the next 12 months. While finding another job is often an important catalyst for positive change, let’s be honest: The process […]

#Leadership : A Simple but Ruthless Exercise Reveals who your #StarEmployees Are & Who Should be #Fired … A #Strategy you Might Call the “Six-Month Exercise”. You Should Do it Regularly & Here’s How it Works

Patty McCord is the former chief talent officer at Netflix. She now runs her own consulting business. In her new book, “Powerful,” McCord says managers should always consider whether the team they have now is the team they’ll need in six months. If not, they should let go of the employees who don’t have the […]

#Leadership : 9 Phrases only #MBAs Understand…Every Industry has its Own Lingo. #BusinessSchool Jargon may be Especially Perplexing to Outsiders.

To help clear up some of the confusion, we asked two MBA grads about the most unusual terms and phrases they picked up in business school. Paul Ollinger graduated from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth in 1997 and was an early Facebook employee before becoming a standup comedian. He recently published a comedic […]

#Leadership : Why January Is Your Least #Productive Month & What To Do About…It It’s the Coldest, Darkest Month of the Year. Shouldn’t you Really Just Hunker Down and Get to Work?

January can be a bit of a buzzkill. You’re coming off of the fun of the holidays. Depending on your location, winter is firmly entrenched with cold temps, snow, and ice. And daylight hours are in short supply. What’s to love? You might think the dreary conditions would cause us to throw ourselves into work. […]

Your #Career : How To Talk About The Gap In Your #WorkHistory ..Sometimes, Addressing it Directly Can Be your Best Option.

Whether you’re gearing up for a triumphant return to the workforce or grappling with the best way to explain a recent gap in your employment history, addressing time away from the professional world can be a daunting task. Given that a glaring hole on your resume will likely be a red flag to prospective employers, you’ll want […]

Your #Career : Talkaholics Sink Partnerships, Presentations—and Careers…Long-Winded Executives Think they’re Personable, But Loquaciousness can Turn Off Colleagues & Potential Clients.

She yammered on and on—and then talked some more.  The very chatty woman was interviewing this fall to become a vice president of water utility Aqua America Inc. But during her corner office session with Chief Executive Christopher Franklin, she spent 25 minutes answering his initial question. Her next reply lasted another 25 minutes. “I felt like I was […]

#Leadership : Got a #ProblemEmployee ? Being a Fix-It Boss Doesn’t Help Things… #Leaders Fixated on Assisting #WeakPerformers May Hurt Everyone—Themselves Included.

Most bosses know they can succeed by making their lieutenants look good. But some well-meaning executives work too hard to fix weak staffers, putting themselves in a messy career fix. Overly focused on assisting underperformers—even taking over subordinates’ toughest tasks at times—these fixers tend to lose demoralized stars. Rescuers also risk being viewed as poor […]

#Leadership : 12 Ways to Automate #YourBusiness & Boost Efficiency…With the Right Systems, You can Maximize #Efficiency & #Profits.

Too often, repetition, waste, and unnecessary bureaucracy slow down business. Members of The Oracles share their systems to streamline your business to run like a Swiss watch. Patrick Byrne Image credit: The Oracles 1. Implement AI and machine learning. It’s now possible to convert your business metrics into data points and then turn those data points over […]

#Leadership : Hiring Remote Workers Made My Entire #Team More Productive…One CEO Explains How Surprised he was to Find the #RemoteTeams he Hired Reshaping his Company’s In-Office #WorkCulture for the Better.

“Want to get lunch?”  This is a phrase you’ll rarely hear at our office. It’s not that we don’t eat or spend time together, but it’s physically impossible for our entire team to be in the same place at the same time. Sixty percent of our team works remotely, so for us, grabbing lunch is, “let’s […]

Your #Career : Bigger Companies Once Meant Much Bigger #Pay , No More…For Decades, even Lower-Paid Workers could Boost their #Pay by Moving to a Bigger Employer. No Longer.

The significant pay premium that Americans used to receive for working at large companies has shrunk rapidly in recent decades, especially for lower-wage workers, a new study finds. For the last century, economists have noted that similar workers tend to earn significantly more at large firms than at small ones—a premium that worked out to […]