Entries by First Sun Team

#Leadership : 4 Ways To Go From #Manager To #Leader ….. #Managers are a Necessary Part of any Organization, but #Leaders will take Things To the Next Level.

Perhaps you’re in a leadership role but don’t feel like you’ve earned the respect from your team. Maybe you feel like they don’t even like you. As a career coach to millennials, I’ve had plenty of new managers come to me, desperate to win approval from their team. It’s a classic case of manager versus […]

#Leadership : #Recruiting Is A Business Function–Treat It Like One.. #Recruiters are Often Treated like Record Keepers & Administrators. This Former Netflix Exec says that’s a Huge (and costly) Mistake.

I was at a start-up the other day talking to their head of people, and she told me that they were planning an off-site to talk about how her team could be more effective in getting new employees up and running in their jobs. She asked me, “Should I invite the recruiters to the off-site?” […]

#Leadership : 7 Ways to Outshine a Tyrannical #Boss …Sure, you could Look for Another #Job but How much Sweeter would it Be to #Work you Way Up until you can #Fire that Miserable Person?

There is little worse than working under a self-righteous boss who refuses to help make us or anyone else more successful. These types of bosses make life miserable, sometimes so miserable that we forget that we’re even passionate about what we do. Bosses should act and perform like leaders. When our boss is inconsistent, unprofessional, placing […]

Your #Career : These Are The Five #SoftSkills #Recruiters Want Most… Things like #TimeManagement & #Organization aren’t typically Taught in School, But they are Increasingly Important in Order to Be Competitive at Work.

While education, degrees, and certification are important for scoring an interview, a new study by the HR software provider iCIMS finds that recruiters place a higher value on soft skills. From an ability to communicate well to being organized, these intangible qualities can be tough to measure, but they affect everything from productivity to collaboration. “Hard skills are what […]

Your #Career : Here’s How You Can Prepare For These Common #InterviewQuestions …These are the Questions that #HiringManagers Ask Again & Again.

No matter how many you go on, job interviews can always be nerve wrecking. You put on your nicest clothes, print out your resume, and remind yourself to smile real big–and just when you think everything is going well, the interviewer hits you with a curveball question you aren’t prepared for. Luckily, you’re not going to let that […]

#Leadership : What You & Your Boss Should Be Discussing Each Month Of The Year…Having a Monthly Plan can Make Check-Ins with your #Boss more #Productive .

When you think about those monthly check-ins with your boss, it’s the standing invite on your calendar that likely brews both excitement and anxiety. Even so, being in constant communication with the person who will help you meet your professional goals should always be a priority. One way to take the heat off of these […]

#Leadership : Here’s What I Learned About Myself When I Tracked Every Hour Of My Day… I Do a Full Day’s Work, but it Turns Out I’m Wasting more Time on #SocialMedia (and not getting enough sleep) than I Thought.

Over the holidays I spoke with a friend who had just finished an interesting experiment: She spent a few weeks writing down the amount of time she spent daily doing both productive and unproductive things. At the end of her experiment, she was shocked to find how much time she was actually wasting on things […]

Your #Career : I Used A “Career Map” To Get My #DreamJob –Here’s How…Sometimes All it Takes is some Good Planning & Patience to Pull yourself Out of a Serious Job Slump.

Due to an unfortunate coffee mishap, I spent the holidays setting up a new computer and frantically trying to extract documents from my old, caffeine-soaked laptop. While in the middle of my rescue mission, I stumbled upon a career map that I’d created four years ago. Making a career map wasn’t my brilliant idea, but […]

#Leadership : Getting Called Out For A Slur Taught Me How To Take #Criticism …You can Ask Someone to Rethink the Language they Use without Mocking or Belittling Them–and Probably, you’ll both Feel Better About it. Here’s How.

It didn’t take long for me to embarrass myself in public after moving to New York City in my early 20s. I was a naive but curious kid from Idaho, and I had a few lessons to learn about myself, the world, and social grace. An important one came at the end of a talk I […]

Your #Career : Here’s Exactly What To Put On Your #Resume To Land An #Interview (And What to Leave Off)… Maybe Getting another #CollegeDegree or Adding an #Internship isn’t the Best Way to #LandaJob .  Perhaps you just Need to Update your Resume with a Few #Stats & #KeyWords.

While resumes are often written to appeal to a hiring manager, few are ever actually viewed by a human.  “Companies, more and more, are using automated screening systems to make it cheaper and faster for them, which grossly dehumanizes the process,” said Kushal Chakrabarti, CEO and cofounder of TalentWorks, an AI-driven resume optimization and job […]