Entries by First Sun Team

Your #Career : The Mistakes You Make in a Meeting’s First Milliseconds…People will Make Snap Judgments as Soon as They Meet you, But you Can Turn This to your Advantage.

Hilary Blair has acted professionally and served as chief executive of her own communications-coaching company for the past seven years. She oversees a staff of 13 and counts Staples and Boeing among her clients. She says her success comes despite the first impression she makes on some people, not because of it. “I remind everyone […]

Your #Career : How to Write a Disruptive #CoverLetter in 2018…The Cover Letter is your Opportunity to Connect with the #Employer, Show that You Understand Them (Not You)

Ah, the dreaded cover letter. For many job seekers, the cover letter is harder to write than a resume. And while some job applications list it as optional, this does not mean that a cover letter is a waste of time. In fact, this one piece of paper (or that one email attachment) can make or […]

#Leadership : Work Smart- 5 Ways To Make Sure Your #Meeting Will Be #Productive …Don’t Accept another Meeting Invite without Making Sure it Meets all of These Criteria.

Meetings can be the bane of working life, but they don’t have to be a waste of time if you ask yourself a series of questions before every meeting, and only attend meetings that are really necessary. So before you click “accept” on that new calendar invitation, look out for these signs that indicate it’s not going to be […]

Your #Career : Use these 5 Prompts to Show off your #SoftSkills on #JobInterviews ….So Here are a Few Prompts to Help you Zero in On a Concrete Narrative From your #WorkExperience

This week’s issue of my early-careers newsletter, Hit the Ground Running, is all about “soft skills,” those people-focused capabilities you keep hearing about. One thing I’ve heard from jobseekers is that just knowing about an in-demand skill is fine, but the real challenge is telling hiring managers about a time they actually demonstrated it. Like this Article ?  Share It !    You now can […]

#Leadership : #WorkSmart -These Seven To-Do List Mistakes Could Be Derailing Your #Productivity …Why you Shouldn’t Write your List in the Morning, and the Items you Should Leave Off Completely.

When it comes to getting things done, sometimes the simple productivity methods are the best. Case in point: the to-do list. This handy tool keeps you on track by putting tasks top of mind . . . unless you’re doing it wrong. Mistakes on your to-do list could be putting your workday in jeopardy, say […]

#Leadership : How To Get Your Point Across To These Five Personality Types… Not Everyone Thinks the Same Way. Here’s How to Repurpose a Three-Decade-Old #Management Theory to Tailor your Message to Just about Anybody.

The VP of finance for a major multinational company recently came to me with a problem. “I’ve been trying to start a conversation with the VP of marketing, and he won’t talk to me,” he said. “Whenever I try to ask him what he thinks about my ideas, he doesn’t respond.” I asked him to […]

Your #Career : Tired Of Working So Hard Without #Success? Learn How #TopPerformers Do Less & Achieve More… Many Individuals Wake Up at a Certain Point in their Life, Only to Recognize that this Intensity of #Work hasn’t Been Beneficial at All.

Thousands of professionals around the world long to be true experts in their fields, and to stand out through their experience, know-how and effort. Many of them attempt to do that by racking up hundreds of hours of extra time at work, thinking that if they work harder than their colleagues, and put in more […]

Your #Career : 7 Ways to Get #Recruiters & #JobOffers to Come to You… Today we are Going to Take a Look at Seven Ways to get #Recruiters and #JobOffers to Come to You, Instead of the Other Way Around.

Did you know that you don’t have to spend hour upon hour trying to find a job, and that you can do things that will have potential employers approaching you instead? Yes, this is a reality for many people, but it isn’t something that just happens. You have to work at it, and you need to market […]

#Leadership : This Is How To Turn Procrastination Into A #Management Technique…Sometimes the Best Thing you can Do is Not Answer your #TeamMembers’ Questions Right Away.

You’ve just been promoted to a supervisory role, and you reallydon’t want to be the absentee boss who inspires articles like this one. So you make a concerted effort to be attentive and responsive–answering questions whenever your employees ask, and making yourself available whenever they need you. So much so that some days, you feel like you barely […]

#Leadership : Screw #EmotionalIntelligence –Here’s The Key To The #Future Of #Work …This Y Combinator Alum & Former #IBMWatson Strategist Believes the Market Value of One Particular Capability will Soon Outpace EQ.

On the walk back from her high school, Max drops by the corner bodega to pick up a NeuroStim pill, a prescription neuroplasticity stimulator. She’ll pop it at exactly 10 a.m. tomorrow as she sits down to take the “AEI.” NeuroStim will accelerate her brain’s ability to create new synaptic pathways, helping Max quickly learn […]