Entries by First Sun Team

Your #Career : The Do’s & Don’ts of Asking for a #Promotion …We’ve Compiled the Ultimate Guide to Asking for a Promotion in a Great One Minute Read!

You work hard. You’d like to see your efforts rewarded. In an ideal world, your superiors would recognize your talent and offer you a promotion. But advancing is rarely that easy. We’ve compiled the ultimate guide to asking for a promotion. Read on if climbing the career ladder is in your sights! Like this Article ?  Share It […]

Your #Career : 10 #CareerExperts Share Their #1 Piece of #JobSearch Advice…. We Reached Out to Nine #CareerExperts to Learn their Best Advice on How to Find a Job in Today’s Market — Here’s what They Had to Say.

Once you announce that you’re looking for a new gig, unsolicited job search advice is inescapable: “Video resumes are the future!” “Go back to school!” “Talk to my cousin’s best friend’s son, he knows someone who used to intern there!” While all of the people sharing job search advice like this are well-meaning, they’re usually not […]

#Leadership : I Tried A #FourDayWorkweek For A Month And Ended Up More Stressed… I Learned to Implement some Good Work Habits, but I Felt Very Rushed to Do Everything.

When it comes to “solutions” for work-life balance, we’ve been told to do everything from meditating to tracking our time. For the most part, employers have put the burden on employees to figure it out for themselves. However, in recent years, companies have recognized the productivity benefits they can gain from investing in employees’ work-life balance. In addition […]

Your #Career : These 13 Phrases Can Make Or Break Your Job Prospects…The Expressions you’re Using on #JobInterviews may Not be Saying What you Think they Are.

Usually, you can tell when you’ve absolutely bombed an interview. If, during the course of your conversation, you reveal that you’re totally unqualified, let slip a particularly unprofessional anecdote, or manage to offend the recruiter or hiring manager, it’s typically not a surprise when you don’t get a callback. But plenty of times, you’ll leave an […]

Your #Career : A Professional #CareerCoach Shares 12 Affordable #OnlineCourses that’ll Help you Advance your Career … Whether you’re a #CollegeSenior Starting to Look into your Post-Grad Prospects or a #WorkingProfessional with Years of Experience Under your Belt, the Constantly Shifting #JobMarket Never gets Easier to Navigate.

Whether you’re a college senior starting to look into your post-grad prospects or a working professional with years of experience under your belt, the constantly shifting job market never gets easier to navigate. It can be hard to wrap your head around all the newly emerging job titles and inefficient, poorly designed application systems, but […]

Your #Career : These Are The Answers To Your Most Burning #JobSearch Questions…From How to Follow Up with #Recruiters to Getting through Applicant Tracking Systems, Here are some Common Questions that Arise During #JobHunts .

Looking for a job is complex. At each step you take–writing a resume, drafting a cover letter, networking, interviewing, negotiating your salary, and more–there are a million different questions you could ask. While we can’t answer all of the questions in a single blog post (believe me, that wouldn’t be fun for you or me) we […]

Your #Career : How to Spot 4 Common Lies #Employers tell Job Applicants …..When #Interviewing for a Position, Watch Out for the Common Fibs Employers Tend to Tell When they Aren’t Interested.

When interviewing for a position, watch out for the common fibs employers tend to tell when they aren’t interested. A recruiter may tell you, “We aren’t finished interviewing yet,” when trying to stall and wait for a more perfect candidate. If you never hear from an employer again after interviewing and following up, it could […]

Your #Career : 8 Things that Could Derail your Career if you Say Them to your #Boss …….To Avoid that Kind of Catastrophe & Keep your #Job & Dignity Intact, Heed these Things you Should Never Say to your Boss.

Even if you and your boss are friendly, you have to be careful about what you say to him or her. Saying that you need a raise because of financial issues or complaining about your coworkers could land you in hot water. Here are eight things you shouldn’t say to your boss, and what to […]

#Leadership : I’ve Worked Remotely For 5 Years, And It’s Stressing Me Out…One #TechWorker reflects on all the #Stress Factors–some More Obvious than others–that made #RemoteWork Difficult in the Long Run.

In software engineering, remote working makes a lot of sense since, most of the time, you only need a computer and an internet connection to perform your duties. There are fewer reasons to force people to sit in an office every day. As a result, it’s become an important feature of a lot of IT […]