Entries by First Sun Team

Your #Career : Add This To Your Resume After Deleting Your “Objective” Statement…A “Performance Summary” Puts a Fresh (and Tech-Savvy) Spin on an Outmoded #Resume Feature.

Since most resumes are written to cast a wide net, they basically just recite everything the writer has done, but this approach dilutes the all-important data density that makes your resume discoverable. In order for recruiters to find your resume in the vast databases they search through, you need to focus on a specific target job, […]

Your #Career : How to Successfully #ChangeCareers ……Change is Never Easy, Particularly if you are Trying to Move into an Entirely New Field. But #Change isn’t Impossible. You can Successfully Transition into a #NewCareer, Granted you are Committed to It.

Change is never easy, particularly if you are trying to move into an entirely new field. But change isn’t impossible. You can successfully transition into a new career, granted you are committed to it. “It is possible to transition into a new job but it takes time and work,” says Catherine Palmiere, president of Adam Personnel, Inc. “Sometimes […]

Your #Career : 4 Ways to Protect Yourself From a #Layoff …Whether because of #Mergers, #Downsizing, or Organizational Shifts, each Year, Countless Workers Inevitably Find Themselves Losing their #Jobs Through No Fault of their Own.

Whether because of mergers, downsizing, or organizational shifts, each year, countless workers inevitably find themselves losing their jobs through no fault of their own. It happens to the most seasoned and dedicated among us, and that’s perhaps the scariest thing about getting laid off — no one is immune. That said, there are certain steps […]

Your #Career : Avoid 99% of #ResumeMistakes with This Simple Checklist…They Say only Three Things are Certain in Life: Death, Taxes, and Making a Mistake on your #Resume .

They say only three things are certain in life: death, taxes, and making a mistake on your resume. Well, maybe I’m exaggerating a bit with that last point, but you get what I mean. The point is, resume mistakes are hard to avoid — like super-duper hard. And when it comes to your resume, even the tiniest […]

Your #Career : Do These 8 Things If You Missed Out On A #Promotion This Year…It Takes More than Just Being Good at your #Job .

Getting a promotion takes more than just doing your job well. To move up the ladder to the next step of your career, you have to prove to decision makers and leadership that you are ready and deserving enough to take on more responsibility. This takes consistently working your best, staying dedicated to your work, […]

Your #Career : Using Intuition – Those ‘Gut Feelings’ – To Help Navigate #CareerChoices …The Challenge is That we are Often so Used to #MakingDecisions with our Conscious Mind – Using Logic & Rationality – That we can Easily Dismiss or Miss this Other Source of Crucial Information.

I once was in an interview process for a job I thought I really wanted. Deep down though I had a feeling that maybe it wasn’t the right job for me. Something just felt off. But I didn’t listen. Instead, I learned the hard way that those small inner nudges and gut feelings we have […]

#Leadership : Why Monday Is Your Most #ProductiveDay Of The Week…Even If it Doesn’t Feel like It. Here’s How to Make the Most of It.

You may be working for the weekend, but when it comes to actually getting work done, Monday is the most productive day, according to a study by Redbooth. The data collaboration software provider found that the highest percentage of tasks–20.4%–are completed on Monday, compared to Friday, when only 16.7% of work tasks are accomplished. Tuesday is […]

#Leadership : 4 Ways To Face The Challenge Of Disruptive #Change …It’s One of the Most Common Laments I Hear from #Executives . “No Sooner do I Stabilize One Part of my #Organization when some Unexpected Crisis or Challenge Upends Another.”

It’s one of the most common laments I hear from executives.  “No sooner do I stabilize one part of my organization when some unexpected crisis or challenge upends another.”  The reality of constant, disruptive change as a way of life has many executives wringing their hands for ways to more than just cope, but thrive.  […]

#Leadeship : Here’s How to Stop an Argument with a #Narcissist from Spinning Out of Control… Great Tips on Dealing with your #Boss , Friend, or Family Member(s). Got One in Mind??

Narcissists struggle with having positive feelings about someone while they are mad at them. This means they get incredibly fierce and cruel during arguments. For many people, the best thing to do is to leave a narcissist and cut them out of their life. If this isn’t possible there are some tactics you can use […]

Your #Career : 9 #JobSeeker Email Etiquette Tips to Help You Land the Job…….. #JobHunting sure isn’t What it Used to Be. Just a Few Years Ago, “Pounding the Pavement” was a Literal Thing.

Job hunting sure isn’t what it used to be. Just a few years ago, “pounding the pavement” was a literal thing, and people were actually out on the streets, going from business to business to drop off their resumes. Today, most job applications do not take place in person. Everything is done online, and many […]