Entries by First Sun Team

#Life : The 25 Biggest Regrets In Life. What Are Yours?…….The Big Question Is, are You Going to #Change Anything this Afternoon or Tomorrow in Light of this List? Or are You Going to Go Back to your Busy Life?

We are all busy. Life happens. There’s always something to distract us from getting around to certain things we know we should do. Soccer practice.  Work. Home renovations. Getting that next big promotion. And with the explosion of always-on smartphones and tablets delivering a fire hose of urgent emails, not to mention Twitter and Facebook (FB), in […]

Your #Career : #JobSearch – 4 Reasons Why your #JobOffer Disappeared into Thin Air…During all #Communications with the #Employer, it is Best to Remain Professional & Consistent.

Scoring a job — only to hear that the offer is no longer on the table — can be pretty painful. But while taking back a job offer might have legal ramifications for the employer, here are some reasons it could happen to you. 1. You didn’t tell the truth — and the employer called your […]

#Leadership : How To Avoid The 5 Most Common Misunderstandings At #Work …From Long Email Chains to Group Projects without Clear roles, here are the Most Common Ways #Communication at Work Goes Off the Rails, & How to Fix It.

If you’ve ever had to clear up a situation at work because you were misquoted or misinterpreted, you know how easy it is for actions and words to be misconstrued. Misunderstandings are rooted in communication, and we often wind up getting derailed because we were too busy to get clarification, says Janel Anderson, owner of […]

#Leadership : Dan Pink Reveals The Perfect Time For #Meetings, #SalesPitches, & #CreativeTasks ….Your #Decision on When to Hold a #Meeting should be a #Strategic one, Not one Made Out of Convenience. Knowing When you’re at your Best for Specific Tasks Could Give you a Competitive Edge.

The famous TED speaker and New York Timesbestselling author Daniel H. Pink, along with his team of researchers, spent two years analyzing more than 700 studies in fields ranging from economics to psychology to unearth the hidden science of perfect timing. I recently sat down with Pink to talk about the results in his new book, When. Specifically, we […]

Your #Career : How To Discreetly Look For A New Job While You’re At Work… You Can’t Always Do your #JobSearch After-Hours. Here’s How to Be Inconspicuous When you Have to Do It at Work.

If you clicked on this article, there’s a high probability that you’re considering finding a new job. Maybe you’re actively applying. Maybe you’re just “keeping an eye open” (or you know, just “sneaking a peek” at those LinkedIn job alerts). Regardless of where you stand, though, you know the one cardinal rule: Do not, on […]

#Leadership : Do These Things To #ReduceTurnover Among Your #BestHires …It takes Work to #Retain #StarEmployees . Here are the Steps you Can take to Stop Losing them to “Better Offers.”

If there’s anyone more hopeful than a new employee showing up to her first day on the job, it’s the hiring manager who offered it to her. Call us hopeless romantics, but we think there’s something really special about a candidate and a company coming to an agreement and choosing to embark on a relationship […]

Your #Career : How To Answer Questions About Your #CareerGoals …When You’re Unsure It’s Difficult to Answer, “Where Do you See Yourself in Five Years?” When you are Still Figuring Out What you Want, But you can Still Give a Good Answer without Sounding Lazy.

There are certain questions all job candidates should come to expect during the interview process. Some of them might be easy to address. Others may be tougher. But if there’s one question that tends to fall somewhere in the middle, it’s the ever-popular, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” Remember, it’s okay to admit in an interview […]

Your #Career : #Networking – 9 Questions the Most Interesting People Ask to Cut through Small Talk…Early in my Career, One of my Biggest Fears Walking into a #NetworkingEvent to Schmooze or Meeting Someone for a #BusinessLunch was Boring the Other Person to Tears in Conversation.

Showing curiosity in someone is the fastest way to establish a connection with them while conversing. To skip past the small talk and have a meaningful interaction, asking pointed, unique questions. “What excites you right now?” and “What’s the most important thing I should know about you?” are two examples. I remember early in my […]

Your #Career : Here’s What the Perfect #Resume Looks Like…. We Combed through Some of our Best #ResumeAdvice & Compiled it into One Infographic to Give you an Easy-to-Follow Outline for a Resume that will Wow #Recruiters & Hopefully, Land you the #Job of your Dreams.

Resumes are essential to the job search, but let’s be honest: creating one is not exactly anyone’s idea of a good time. With so many conflicting pieces of advice, you might feel like you don’t know where to start or what to do. But don’t worry — this time, we’ve done the heavy lifting. We […]

#Leadership : The Downsides Of Using #PersonalityTests For #Hiring … Personality isn’t Everything, and Companies Who Rely on It to Predict #Performance can Run into Trouble.

Finding the perfect candidate for an open role is hard work. In a competitive market for talent, companies are not settling for a standard application and interview process. They’re coming up with oddball questions, devising strange vetting methods, and “auditioning” candidates before giving them a permanent offer. They’re also making them do personality tests. The use of personality tests […]