Entries by First Sun Team

Your #Career : What To Do When A #Coworker Has It In For You…Whether They Just Don’t Like You or They’re Engaging in Sabotage, you Need to Deal with a Difficult CoWorker. Here’s How to Prepare for a Resolution.

A surprising number of people just don’t get along at the office. Surprised? Recent research by The Creative Group found that nearly one-third of executives surveyed have had someone try to make them look bad on the job. This type of behavior can range from pointing out someone’s mistake to copying a coworker’s manager on an […]

Your #Career : #SalaryNegotiation Scripts For Any Job… Communication can Make or Break Discussions & Impact your Confidence to Get Paid Fairly.

Ask any job seeker or employee about salary negotiations and one of the most popular responses is, “I would negotiate but I don’t know what to say.” Having the right words to say, or write, during a salary negotiation is vital. Communication can make or break discussions and impact your confidence to get paid fairly. […]

#Leadership : How to Gain your #Employees Trust, take Care When #Changes Need to be Made…One of the Greatest Threats to #EmployeeEngagement is UnCeremonious or UnDignified Dismissals.

I was at a conference last month and had the chance to hear from several people who had read my book, “Fired:  How to Manage Your Career in the Age of Job Uncertainty.” One of them told me their organization was having to do a reduction in force. It was going to be a very difficult–the […]

Your #Career : This Is The Right And Wrong Time To Ask For A #Raise …The Timing of the Ask Matters as Much as your Arguments.

You work hard, but do you get paid enough for it?  Knowing you’re underpaid is decidedly different from knowing when to ask for a raise. After all, timing is everything. You’ve probably heard someone say, “I’m going to ask for a raise, but I’m going to wait until I’ve been there for [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ […]

Your #Career : These Nine Email Mistakes Could Cost You The Job…As a #JobHunter, every Interaction you Have with a Prospective Employer is a Chance to Make a Good–or Bad–Impression.

When you’re job hunting, you’re on high alert for every mistake you can possibly make: you run your resume by every friend you have, carefully craft a cover letter, scrutinize every detail you put into the job application and spend hours preparing for your interview. But did you ever stop to think that you could make […]

Your #Career : Three Insanely Simple Email Templates For #Networking With Strangers…When you Know What (not) to Say, Reaching out to Strangers for your #JobHunt Becomes Less Awkward & More Effective.

Maybe it’s been a few months since you’ve graduated and you’re getting anxious to land a job. Or maybe you’re further on in your career and looking to move into a new industry. In either case, there’s one major hitch: You’ve heard how helpful it can be to reach out to people outside of your network. […]

#Leadership : #Presentations – These 7 Common #SpeakingHabits Undercut Your Credibility …These Simple Behaviors are Easy to Fall into When you’re Nervous, But they Can make Listeners Think Twice About Taking you Seriously.

Every speaker needs to be credible. If your audience spends the duration of your talk mulling over whether or not to take you seriously, you can kiss goodbye to any chance of your message resonating. Sometimes your credibility has as much to do with your behavior as it does with the message itself. Here are […]

#Leadership : #WorkSmart – 5 Ways To Reset An #Unproductive Afternoon…One or Two Hours of Lost #Productivity Shouldn’t Ruin your Whole Workday. Here are Some Ideas to Reset your Brain & Start Fresh.

We live in a world surrounded by distractions. If you work in an open office, chances are, you have to fight them on a daily basis–whether it’s your coworker who talks loudly on the phone, or that little notification box at the bottom of your screen. Sometimes you’ve just had a rough morning, and doing anything […]