Entries by First Sun Team

Your #Career : How to #Negotiate Beyond the Raise You Were Offered? ….You Get a Strong Review and the Same Old Mediocre 2% Merit Increase you Got Last Year. That’s Disappointing. Is There Anything you Can Do?

It’s been a long year. You changed teams, picked up new projects, started mentoring a couple junior developers, wrote a couple spectacular white papers, or any number of other productive things. If you follow these five steps and find that a larger raise isn’t available within a reasonable timeline, you may need to begin looking for […]

Your #Career : 8 Ways Getting a Job Has Changed In The Last Decade …The Job Market is Perpetually Evolving, which Means if you’ve Been Happily Employed for the Past Decade, it’s Safe to Say that Things are Different Now.

The job market is perpetually evolving, which means if you’ve been happily employed for the past decade, it’s safe to say that things are different now. The way people look for jobs, the interview process and what employees look for are all slightly different now, although your time-tested job hunting and interviewing skills will still serve you […]

Your #Career : Critical #JobSearch Technique- How to Land an #InformationalInterview …Here’s How and Why to Set one Up, Plus What to Do Once you’ve Actually Landed the Meeting.

Many people see informational interviews as tricky. What are they for, really? They’re definitely for gathering information about a certain industry, job role or career path, but they’re also valuable in helping you get a job. Not only can they inform your job hunt with insider information in a way that the internet sometimes just can’t, but they […]

Your #Career : 8 Expert-Approved Tips for How to Find a Job Today (Bonus: Live Stream Podcasts)… The #JobHunt : It’s Something We All Go Through in our Lives, Yet there’s Still a Surprising Amount of Mystery Around It.

The job hunt: it’s something we all go through in our lives, yet there’s still a surprising amount of mystery around it. Do I need to write a cover letter? What’s the best way to prepare for an interview? And why do I never hear back, even after sending dozens of applications? We know that many […]

Your #Career : Don’t Tell #Recruiters or the #HiringManger These Things If You Want The Job…These Phrases can Compromise your Chances of Getting a Competitive Offer.

Put your best foot forward. How many times have you heard that popular refrain? Too many to count. However, when it comes to the job search process, many job seekers think that this advice only applies during the scheduled phone calls, interviews, and interactions with the hiring manager and your potential team. After all, isn’t […]

Your #Career : 6 Things You Must Do Before #Graduation …Time is Ticking! We’ve Turned to Top College & #CareerAdvisors for the Six Things you Must Do Before you Walk Across that Stage.

You’re a soon-to-be college graduate, and you’re so consumed with, you know, graduating, that perhaps you haven’t realized you need to plan more than the outfit you’ll wear beneath your cap and gown. In fact, there’s a lot to do before you graduate. We’ve turned to top college and career advisors for the six things you […]

Your #Career : You Need To Talk To Your Company’s #CEO —Here’s Why And What To Say… #SeniorExecs Don’t Need to Know you By Name, But they Should at Least Have a General Sense of your Existence & Function in the Organization.

Soon after I got my first faculty job, I was sitting with a friend of mine–another psychologist–who’d recently been hired for her first job at another university. She said to me, “Our next task is to become independent nodes in people’s conceptual networks.” That was psychology speak for, “Now we need to make sure people […]

Your #Career : 6 of the Most Captivating #CoverLetter Openers (& Why They Work)…Let’s Cut Straight To The Chase: Most (if not all) #CoverLetters are Bad.

Let’s cut straight to the chase: most cover letters are bad. In fact, Dawn Rasmussen, certified resume writer and president of Pathfinder Writing and Career Services, happily admits that “I love writing cover letter openings because I know how bad they usually are.” But that doesn’t mean your cover letter is destined for the slush pile. By starting […]

Your #Career : These Are The Smartest Decisions I’ve Made For My Career…From #SwitchingCareers to Finding Ways to Add Value to their #Employers , Three Writers from The Motley Fool Shared some of the Biggest Lessons they’ve Learned During their Working Lives.

A surprisingly high number of Americans are unhappy with their work; some estimates are that more than half of us don’t like our jobs. And while there are always things we have no control over, none of us should feel completely powerless. There are almost certainly things you can do to put yourself in a […]

Your #Career : The Three Smartest Ways To Use #LinkedIn Early In Your Career…Why Bother using LinkedIn. When you Don’t have Much #JobExperience to Put On your #ProfilePage ? Here’s Why–and How to Do It.

LinkedIn is a great place to build a network, diversify your knowledge, and find new career opportunities–even when you’re early in your career. Students and recent grads may neglect LinkedIn, thinking it’s premature to start investing time into the platform before actually building up a solid amount of work experience. That’s a mistake. I’ve found […]