Entries by First Sun Team

Your #Career : Ask an #InterviewCoach : How Can I Be More Compelling In Each #Interview Round…Here are Some Tips to Help you Ace each Stage of the #InterviewProcess .

The most competitive opportunities have multiple rounds of interviews, with 3 rounds being commonplace.  While the overarching objective throughout the process is to assess the mutual fit between job seeker and employer, each stage places a different emphasis on the traits the employer wants to analyze.  The earlier stages focus on ensuring you have the […]

Your #Career : Don’t Embellish Your #Resume –Do These Things Instead…Lying on your Resume is a Slippery Slope. Rather than Make Up an Achievement, Take these Strategic Approaches to Present Yourself in the Best Possible Light.

There’s nothing wrong with playing up your skills on a resume to present yourself in the best possible light. But there’s a difference between slightly embellishing and downright lying. Countless Americans, though, are guilty of the latter, especially among the under-40 set. In fact, 26% of workers in that age range admit to lying on a resume, […]

Your #Career : #CareerAdvice – 5 Signs You’re in the Wrong Career—And How to Make a Change… Picking the Wrong Career is Not an Uncommon Thing, but it’s Not Always Easy to Tell the Difference Between a Bad Position and a Bad Career.

While “picking the wrong career is not an uncommon thing,” according to Karen Elizaga, career coach and author of Find Your Sweet Spot, it’s not always easy to tell the difference between a bad position and a bad career. If you’re unhappy and you know it—but you’re not sure whether you need a new job or a […]

Your #Career : #Unemployed – 5 Ways to Make Money in the Middle of a #ResumeGap …A resume gap might seem a Bit Scary to Navigate, But it Doesn’t Have to Be.

A resume gap might seem a bit scary to navigate, but it doesn’t have to be. Whether you were already planning time off between jobs or lost your job due to an uncontrollable circumstance, there are ways to take control of the situation — and still earn money and valuable experience while searching for your next career […]

Your #Career : How Power Words Can Help You Land Your Dream Job… There’s No Silver Bullet to Get you the Job you Want, but Power Words Might Be the Closest Thing.

What are power words, you ask? Power words are buzzwords and special phrases that signal to a company that you’re on their wavelength. Use them to tailor your application to a specific company and show that you know their mission, their approach and their values — and that you’ve done your homework. These are the words that […]

#Leadership : These Programs Help Low-Income Workers Climb The Career Ladder…Advancement for Low-Income Workers Requires a Combination of Innovation, Corporate Commitment, and New Attitudes.

You don’t have to look far to find positive economic indicators lately. The stock market is reaching near record highs. Housing prices have returned to pre-recession levels. And the job market is driving low unemployment numbers. But despite the good economic and job news, workers on the lowest end of the wage spectrum are seeing fewer gains […]

#Leadership : Quality Advice on How to #Communicate During Stressful Times… Even on a Good Day, #Communicating Well is One of Life’s Toughest Daily Challenges, and It’s Especially Difficult to Do Under Pressure.

Even on a good day, communicating well is one of life’s toughest daily challenges, and it’s especially difficult to do under pressure. Thankfully, by applying a few practical tips, you can significantly improve how you talk with friends, family, coworkers, and others. Focus on Your Goal For instance, facing more than one challenge at a time can […]

Your #Career : This Is How To Stand Out When #Recruiters Come to Your College…Recruiters from Top Companies Share What Impresses Them.

Graduation season can be nerve-wracking, from final exams and papers to finding a job to start paying off student loans. So when your dream employer sends recruiters to campus, meeting them and convincing them you’re a good fit can feel like a game with sky-high stakes. Recruiters from top companies say catching their attention requires […]

Your #Career : 4 Appropriate Times To Ask For A #Raise …When you Want a Raise, it’s Important to be Strategic about When you Make the Ask to your #Boss .

We all want to earn as much money at our jobs as possible. After all, the higher our income, the more opportunities we have to save for retirement, put our kids through college, and afford life’s many luxuries. And if you’re underpaid, it absolutely makes sense to fight for a raise and get the salary you deserve. But […]

#Leadership : 5 #EmotionallyIntelligent Habits For Handling Work Frustrations…It’s All About What you Do in the Moment–and Don’t Do.

Unless you lack basic social skills, it’s hard to imagine getting in trouble for expressing positive feelings at work. Sharing enthusiasm and encouragement  is usually beneficial to everyone around you. It’s the feelings on the other end of the spectrum that most of us struggle with. We’ve all gotten frustrated or overwhelmed at work. Maybe […]