Entries by First Sun Team

Your #Career : This Common Mind-Set is Killing your #JobSearch …Are you Considering a #CareerChange ? We Feel for You! The Right Attitude can Go a Long Way.

It can be tough to realize that the role or field you’ve dedicated years of your life to isn’t working out. So tough that you start wondering how you’ll ever make a change and maybe even develop the discouraging sense that you can’t make the change yourself–that if you’re going to have any chance at […]

Your #Career : 10 Tricky #InterviewQuestions & How to Answer #LikeABoss …Here are a Few of the Toughest Interview Questions ,and Advice for Blowing Them Out Of the Water.

It’s the question that none of us want to be asked: “Why were you fired?” You’re on the edge of your seat, heart pounding, beginning to sweat. You have only a few seconds before you need to formulate a response. How can you give an answer that both honestly explains the situation and still makes […]

Your #Career : The Future of Work – You Should Plan On Switching Jobs Every Three Years for The Rest Of Your Life.. Do you Know? Workers who Stay with a Company Longer than Two Years are said to Get Paid 50% Less. The Stigma of Being a Flaky Job-Hopper is Quickly Becoming a Thing of the Past, and That’s a Good Thing.

Changing jobs every couple of years used to look bad on a resume. It told recruiters you can’t hold down a job, can’t get along with colleagues, or that you’re simply disloyal and can’t commit. That stigma is fast becoming antiquated—especially as millennials rise in the workplace with expectations to continuously learn, develop, and advance in their careers. […]

#Leadership : 15 Questions to Ask every #JobCandidate for #ManagerialRoles …When it comes to #ManagerialCandidates , you Need to Ask More than What You would Ask Prospective Front-Line Employees.

Interviewing a potential manager is different from questioning a front-line office worker. The manager will be supervising, mentoring, guiding, shaping, and evaluating their employee at various times in the relationship. They also have a finger on the pulse of culture, if they’re doing their job well, and a vision toward the future. Moreover, bottom line […]

Your #Career : How I Got the Attention of #SeniorLeaders When I Was a #Temp …As an #Intern or #TempWorker , it Can be Difficult to Impress Senior Leaders . Two Professionals Share their Strategy on How they Successfully Navigated this Process.

When Tida Jarjou was hired as a temp employee at a broker dealer in Stamford, Connecticut–her first role out of college–she found herself in a team meeting with four white males. “[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][I] […]

Your #Career : 5 Ways to Take Your #JobSearch to the Next Level… There’s No Shortage of Great #CareerAdvice , But One of the Most Powerful Resources you can Tap is Somebody Who Recently Landed a Job Themselves.

For one, they’ll have a more accurate view of the labor market. (For example: Ever had a grandparent tell you that the best way to get a job is to walk right into the office and ask for one? Not exactly the case anymore.) But for another, the fact that they’ve managed to break through and […]

Your #Career : 3 Ways To Develop #TransferrableSkills In Your Current #Job …This Google #Recruiter Shares How he Leveraged his #Skills to #ChangeCareers , from #Sales to #Recruiting .

My first job out of college was in sales. Today I’m a recruiting manager at a global tech company in Silicon Valley. I’m also a podcaster. The one thing that connects the dots of my career trajectory and every job move in between: transferrable skills. At the point that I decided sales wasn’t for me, […]

Your #Career : 18 Companies Looking to #Hire for #EntryLevelJobs …We’ve Made It a Bit Easier for You by Identifying Companies that are Actively #Hiring for Entry-Level or New Grad Roles.

With employers adding another 164,000 new jobs to payrolls in April, the nation’s unemployment rate is down to 3.9 percent. This means that there are growing labor shortages in tech, skilled trades, and health care are putting more workers in the driver’s seat when it comes to negotiating for pay. But before negotiating salary, you’ve got to find […]

Your #Career : How To Ask For A #Referral Without Sounding Entitled Or Desperate…Referrals are a Great Way to Get an “In” at a Company. But you Should Always Be Tactful About Asking for It.

The most awkward networking attempt I’ve ever witnessed happened in my senior year of college. A former executive at NBC who had started his own production company came to talk to the film department at my school about entertainment careers, and I went to check it out. The speaker was great–he had plenty of insight, advice, and […]