Entries by First Sun Team

#Leadership : #CareerAdvice – How To Complain While Still Being Professional….So, What Exactly Should you Do when you Disagree with a #CompanyPolicy , or Need to Lodge a #FormalComplaint About your Annoying #CoWorker ?

At any job, issues are bound to come up. From your coworkers to your company policies, not everything can be perfect all the time. So, what exactly should you do when you disagree with a company policy, or need to lodge a formal complaint about your annoying co-worker? There’s a huge difference between exhibiting radical candor and […]

Your #Career : Experiencing These 5 Things? You Might Be in the Wrong Profession…Sometimes a #Job or Career is just not meant to be. If Any of These Scenarios Sound Familiar, you Might Want to Think about Making a Change.

While “picking the wrong career is not an uncommon thing,” according to Karen Elizaga, career coach and author of Find Your Sweet Spot, it’s not always easy to tell the difference between a bad position and a bad career. If you’re unhappy and you know it–but you’re not sure whether you need a new job or a […]

Your #Career : Use this One-Paragraph #CoverLetter to land your next #JobInterview …Most #Recruiters just Skim Cover Letters, so Here’s How to Craft a Short and Effective One that Can be Read in 60 Seconds or Less.

Cover letters are dead, or so we’ve been told. Many recruiters and hiring managers don’t even bother to read them, opting to skim resumes instead. But however their influence might be waning, plenty of people who are faced with making hiring decisions still rely on cover letters in order to size up candidates and determine who […]

Your #Career : How #Women Can Build Their #ProfessionalNetworks … #Networking is Tougher for Women for Several Reasons, but There are Ways to Make it Work.

Networking is crucial for advancing a career, building relationships and getting knowledgeable about a range of subjects.  And women have a much tougher time of it than men. It comes down to numbers, my research shows. There are so few women in positions of power that it is difficult for women to find sponsors to […]

Your #Career : This is What it Took for Me to Quit a Job I Hated…This Writer had been Putting Off Leaving a Job She Didn’t Like. But One Particular Moment Compelled her to Take Action.

It was my birthday. I’d come into the office earlier than usual to get a jump start on my workload so that I would be able to sneak out on time to meet a group of people for a celebratory dinner. No one at the office knew it was my birthday, and that was perfectly […]

#Leadership : These are the Most Important Minutes of Any #Meeting …Look for These Moments in your #Meetings and then Try Shape Future Meetings to have More of Them.

Few people like meetings, and that’s probably because they’re increasingly overtaking the workday. Over the past 50 years meetings have grown from less than 10 hours a week to nearly 23 hours, not including impromptu gatherings, Harvard Business Review reports. That’s more than half of our workweek. “Meetings may seem too frustrating and too numerous, but […]

Your #Career : This Is How to Build Your #ProfessionalNetwork From Your Phone…So Today we’re Sharing our Essential Tips for How to #Network from your Phone Like a Pro, Plus the Best Apps for Making Awesome Connections.

You don’t have to be an introvert to dread networking events. Initiating conversations with total strangers can feel a bit like going on a blind date — the results could be magical, or painfully awkward. Though networking in person doesn’t have to be a nightmare, it can still be difficult to fit into your busy […]

Your #Career : Hit the Ground Running- Your Guide to Surviving the First Months of #Unemployment …It can take on Average Six Weeks to Eight Months to Find a #NewJob . Here’s the Best Way to Spend that #JobHunting Time.

At some point in your career, it’s likely you’ll face unemployment: whether it takes you awhile to find a job after graduation or you are the victim of a round of corporate layoffs. Workplace expert Amy Cooper Hakim says today’s global marketplace makes many positions disposable. “Organizations aren’t as committed to their employees, and employees […]

Your #Career : How To Elevate Yourself When Your #JobSearch And #Life Are Dragging You Down…When you are #Interviewing , it is Easy to Become Discouraged and Feel Defeated and Dejected. It’s Not just You; Everyone Experiences Rejection in the Process.

Here are some motivational thoughts to keep you positive and energized when your job search—and life for that matter—is looking bleak and hopeless. Treat each day as a new beginning. Don’t get caught up with all the failures from the past. Forget about prior indiscretions, feuds, animosities or something a family member said to you […]

#Leadership : ‘I Lost It’: The #Boss Who Banned Phones, and What Came Next… #Employers Limit Cellphone use to Regain Attentiveness. Workers use Watches and Laptops Instead.

Two thousand six hundred seventeen times a day. That is how often the average person taps, pokes, pinches or swipes their personal phone. It all adds up to about 2 hours and 25 minutes, according to a study by mobile app research firm Dscout Inc. And a good chunk of that time comes during work […]