Entries by First Sun Team

#Leadership : #CareerAdvice – How to Strategically Manage Frustration at Work….Frustration is Part of Life. Rather than Allowing it to Pull Your Strings, Learn to Understand and Manage It.

Frustration is a tempter, an emotional trickster. It goads us with the false promise that our feelings are worthy of the mounting fireworks display: This is the last straw. I’m fed up. Can you believe this guy? Frustration, with its loud, emotional appeal; why not take its bait, and surrender? But what does it earn us when […]

Your #Career : In a Digital Era, How Can #OlderWorkers Stay in the Game?…These Strategies Help #VeteranEmployees Stay Current and Valuable as #Workplaces become Younger and More Tech-Focused.

Do your colleagues at the office seem to be getting younger? It looks that way to the millions of older employees in industries being disrupted in the digital era and favoring younger more digitally savvy workers, such as tech, entertainment, retailing and media. As more workers in their 40s and beyond plan to delay retirement until […]

Your #Career : #Interviews -How to Practice for an #Interview in 5 Steps (Bonus: Great Checklists)…Ready to Learn How to Walk into an #Interview with Confidence, and Knock It Out of the Park? Follow these Five Steps

What if I run into traffic on my way to the interview and get there late? What if I mess up one of my answers? What if I draw a total blank when my interviewer asks me if I have any questions for them? If you’ve ever been up for a position you really wanted […]

#Leadership : The 15 #BestBusinessBooks to Read this Summer…Summer Vacation is a Great Time to Catch Up on Reading. It’s even Better if the Books you Choose will Make you More Productive and Happier When you Head Back to Work.

We picked out 15 business books from this year and last year that we found particularly entertaining and insightful. Those books include “Bad Blood” by John Carreyrou, about the massive Theranos scandal, and “The Geometry of Wealth,” about getting a handle on your finances. The best kind of summer reading is a book that’s both […]

#Leadership : Secrets of the Most #ProductivePeople -The Best Way to Use All those 5 Minutes of #Downtime Every Day…When you Have a Few Spare Minutes During the Day, you Probably Default to Checking Email. Here are More #ProductiveWays to use “Found Time.”

Whether your meeting ended early or that project didn’t take as long as you thought, chances are you’ve got some found time on your hands at some point during the day. If you’re like most people, you default to checking email. If you had a system in place, however, you could use those unexpected minutes […]

Your #Career : #CareerAdvice, #Interviews -How to Sell Yourself to a #HiringManager …You Quickly Get a Couple of Calls to Set Up Interviews, Talk to a Couple of #HiringManagers , and…you Don’t Hear Back. What’s Going On?

You’re ready to make a change, so you throw your hat in the ring for a few opportunities that look interesting. You quickly get a couple of calls to set up interviews, talk to a couple of hiring managers, and…you don’t hear back. This is frustrating because the company wouldn’t interview you if you didn’t […]

#Leadership : Secrets of the Most #ProductivePeople – How to Train yourself to Become a #SpeedReader. Read All your Emails, Project Reports, and Briefs in Half the Time Using these #SpeedReading Tricks.

Reading is one of the most fundamental skills, and reading for pleasure can transform your health, memory, and productivity. In our age of  information overload, however, it can feel like there isn’t enough time in the day to get through all of your Slack messages, emails, and project reports, not to mention all the articles you intend to read. […]

Your #Career : #CareerAdvice #Interviews – How to Write a Memorable Post-Interview #ThankYouNote … Imagine you’ve Just Walked Out of a Great #JobInterview . Now, Take It to the Next Level by Writing a #ThankYouNote that Reinforces Why You are the Right Candidate.

Imagine you’ve just walked out of a great job interview. You made a great impression and really like your chances. Now, take it to the next level by writing a thank you note that reinforces why you are the right candidate. Here are some tips for creating the perfect follow-up note: Methods matter Email – […]

#Leadership : Secrets of the Most #Productive People -How To Deal With A #PassiveAggressive #Coworker …Resist the Urge to be Passive Aggressive Right Back. Try One of these Five Methods Instead.

We all know that person who uses sarcasm, snide remarks, and stalling tactics to vent their anger. It can seem childish and sometimes frustrating, but it can also be damaging to your career if the passive-aggressive person is a coworker whose actions are directed toward you. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon. That’s because passive-aggressive behavior is […]