Entries by First Sun Team

#Leadership : This is How to Deal with your #IncompetentCoworkers …You Know the Person who Doesn’t Pull their Weight? Here are a Few Dos and Don’ts to Getting Things to Change.

In almost every workplace, there is bound to be someone who isn’t pulling their own weight. When you’re an ambitious, hard-working employee who is committed to growing your career and the company, it’s frustrating to work with someone who seems interested in only doing  the bare minimum. Here are the dos and don’ts of dealing […]

#Leadership : It’s Not Enough to Make Good Decisions, You Need to Make Efficient Ones as Well…In Order to Streamline our Process, We Came Up with Several Different Levels of Involvement & Worked to Minimize Everyone’s Time Commitments Within our #KeyDecisions . We Came Up with Five Levels.

One of the key lessons I’ve learned over the years as a founder, CEO, and business adviser is that it’s not enough to make good decisions; you need to make good decisions efficiently. Bad decisions are never good, but it’s just as bad to make good decisions late. The fact is that business is full […]

Your #Career : This Half-Hour Exercise Can Get you Out of Your #CareerRut …You Can’t Always take a Weeklong Vacation to Reflect & Reset, but If you Can get Away from your Office for an Hour, this Technique Can Put Things into Fresh Perspective.

Summer is finally here, and you’re thinking about your dream vacation. You conjure up images of sitting by the pool, drinking an icy cold beverage, and not thinking about your stress-filled life. Then reality hits, and you realize where you are. You’re sitting in your cubicle, uninspired and in a rut. You know that slaving […]

#Leadership : Digital Transformation- In A World Where Data Rules, All Companies Are Tech Companies…Whether You Are on Board or Not, the Data Revolution has Made #TechCompanies out of All of Us. 

We are sitting smack dab in the middle of the data revolution. Every single company regardless of size or industry has the ability to collect data—on supplies, on inventory and of course, on consumers, just to name a few. And it’s no secret that data can aide in decision making and increase the productivity of […]

Your #Career : #CareerAdvice – How Do I Go from Outstanding to #Terminated ? …One of the Most Consistent Findings from my Research concerns #PerformanceReviews . Prior to Being Let Go, nearly All of the People I Interviewed had Received Glowing #PerformanceEvaluations .

The vast majority of managers provide an annual performance review for their direct reports. We’re all familiar with the drill. Has the employee met their goals? Do they have strong productivity and attendance? Do they demonstrate customer service? Are they a team player? And generally there is a rating system that accompanies these questions. Managers […]

Your #Career : #CareerAdvice – You Gave your Notice, and your #Boss Gives a #CounterOffer . Now What? Even if You’re One Foot Out the Door, Don’t Rule It Out Immediately.

You’ve received an offer for a different job, and you’ve finally mustered the courage to have that dreaded conversation with your current boss to let him or her know that you’re packing your bags and hitting the road. But, to your surprise, that exchange doesn’t end with a brief handshake and those standard, awkward well […]

#Life – Should You Keep a Secret? …A Friend Confides in you About a Health Crisis or a Love Affair. How Do you Decide Whether to Keep Someone’s Secret When There are Good Reasons to Tell?

A while back, my sister, Rebecca, called with a request: She wanted me to book a flight to come and see her immediately—and not tell anyone. Rebecca explained that she was having a breast biopsy the next day, was terrified to hear the results, and wanted me there for support. But she didn’t want to worry […]

Your #Career : #CareerAdvice #Jobs – How to Find Out Why You Didn’t Get the Job…It’s Incredibly Frustrating when a #Recruiter or #HiringManager Doesn’t Share a Concrete Reason Why You were Passed Over.

You send in a stellar resume. You blow the recruiter away in the phone screen. And you wow everyone you speak with during your in-person interview. And yet, you still don’t get the job. Worst of all, you don’t know why you didn’t get it — you either didn’t hear back at all, or received feedback so vague that it’s […]

#Leadership : #WorkSmart -How to Get Back on Track When you’re Having an Unproductive Day….A Rocky Start Shouldn’t Dictate your Entire Workday. Do These Things to Reverse your Unproductivity.

If you’re a high achiever, you juggle too many things over the course of a day. And despite your best intentions, you’re bound to have days where you feel burnt out, or just plain unproductive. This can lead to a self-destructive cycle–you beat yourself up for being unfocused, which further distracts you from what needs […]

Your #Career : How to Request a Lateral Transfer without Offending your #Boss …When you’ve Been at a Company for a While, you Might want to Switch Teams to Grow your Career. Here’s How to Have that Delicate Conversation with your Boss.

At some point during your tenure at a given company, you’re apt to reach a point where you’re tired of doing the same thing day in, day out. And if a promotion isn’t possible, your next best bet may be to switch over to a different team. A lateral move can help your career in a number of ways. […]