Entries by First Sun Team

Your #Career : #ResumeWriting -How to Write a #ResumeSummary That Grabs #Recruiters’ Attention…Here are a Few Tips to Keep in Mind for your Summary.

To include a resume summary, or not to include a resume summary? The nagging question that has plagued many a job seeker. Well, here’s some advice to clear the matter up: yes, you should include a summary. Unless you are really pressed for space, have a significant amount of description writing in the body of […]

#Leadership : #WorkPlace Evolution – 4 #EmotionallyIntelligent #HRPolicies #Employees May Suffer Without…When #TeamMembers Face Crises in their Personal Lives, they Need to Know their #Employers have their Backs–in Word and in Deed.

Depression, suicide, addiction, domestic abuse, mental health: These issues impact workforces in countless ways, many of them hidden from public view and employers’ eyes alike. But responsible organizations can’t assume that bad things aren’t happening in their employees’ lives just because they don’t hear about them. A great work culture is one that goes out […]

#Leadership : These are the Conversations you Need to Have as a #NewManager …First and Foremost, you Need to Focus on Building Trust Before you Announce any Sort of Grand Vision.

It happened: You’re a new manager now. Perhaps it’s the first time you’re leading a team. Or you’re taking over a new team as a manager. Either way, that first meeting as a new manager is a daunting event. What should the agenda for that first meeting with the new team be? How should you […]

Your #Career : #ResumeWriting – 64 Action Verbs That Will Take Your #Resume From Blah to Brilliant….Here’s How to Use Action Verbs on your Resume Intelligently to Help you Land the Job of your Dreams. 

You’ve probably heard the advice that action verbs should be sprinkled throughout your resume. By starting each bullet point about your past experience with a powerful action verb, you draw hiring managers in and give them a concrete picture of your expertise. Certain action verbs are also likely to help your resume get past automated scanning […]

#Leadership : The Impact Of #AI on the #HR Profession…The Real Benefit of Using More #ArtificialIntelligence is that our Human Leaders can Put More Time into Bringing More of their #EmotionalIntelligence to their Role.

The HR function has seen many transformations over the years but the increasing use of robotics in the workplace presents challenges and opportunities to the profession. The 2018 Deloitte Human Capital Trends report revealed that the adoption of automation, robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) is accelerating dramatically. Forty-one percent of respondents rated this topic as very important. […]

Your #Career : #SalaryNegotiation -This is What No One Tells you About Conducting #SalaryResearch …Figuring out How Much you Should Ask for When Starting a Job or Getting a Raise Takes a Little Bit of Savvy Work.

Every article on salary negotiations has the same piece of advice: Do your research before naming any figures. But what exactly does this entail beyond going on websites like Glassdoor and Payscale? How do you find out whether a salary is “fair” when your coworkers won’t talk about how much they make, or you’re a new grad with no connections […]

Your #Career : #CareerAdvice – This is The 3-Step Process you Should Follow When you Get a #JobOffer …When you’re Desperate to #LeaveYourJob , it Can be Tempting to Take the First Offer that Comes Along. Don’t.

When you want a job–whether it’s your dream job or you’re simply ready to move on–it can be all too easy to accept any offer you’re given–even if it’s not the right offer for you. “The number one misstep I see clients take is the failure to step back, take a breath, and meaningfully assess a job […]

Your #Career : #CareerAdvice – 5 Myths That Prevent #JobSeekers from Overcoming Failure…So if you’ve Been Hearing Rejection after Rejection Lately — or Worse, No Responses at All — it’s Time to Set Things Straight.

For many people, the job search is a mysterious and frustrating process. Unless you’re a recruiter or hiring manager, you usually don’t have a good idea of what goes on behind the scenes — and because of that, people tend to come up with their own ideas of what happens, and what it takes to be […]

#Leadership : How to #InspireyourTeam When you’re Feeling Uninspired…You Don’t have to be a Cheerleader to Keep your Team’s Spirits Up. Next Time you Aren’t Feeling Up to Motivating Others, Consider these Options.

You’re prepping your team for an upcoming project and you know you need the best ideas on the table. But when you try to get up the motivation to work on the project, you struggle to focus. You just don’t seem to have the same energy for the project as you usually do. How can […]

Your #Career : #CareerAdvice – Follow Up On Your Job Application With This Easy Template…Here, we’ll Take you Through our Best Application Follow-Up Advice, with Added #CareerExpert Insight & a Template to Use for your Next Follow-Up.

Following up on an application can be tricky business. When should you follow up, and what exactly should you say? It can be difficult to know — if you don’t have this template. That’s right: Glassdoor has written a guide to knowing when to follow up — and a template you can use, word for word if you’d like, to […]