Entries by First Sun Team

#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch -The Best #JobSearchAdvice from Top CEOs at GM, 23andMe, Hilton & More… Best of FSC Blog! Great Read.

There’s no doubt about it: the job search is tough. You have to spend time and energy revamping your resume, writing cover letters and practicing for interviews, and even then, you’re not guaranteed a position. The good news, though, is that you get a little bit savvier at every step. With each interview needed to get […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch – How to Get a Job that you’re #Overqualified For…It Can be Hard for a #HiringManager to see an overQualified Candidate as Ambitious. So If you Want to Change Direction, Here’s What you Need to Do.

Remember back when you were a new grad and applying for every job mentioning your degree, only to be told you didn’t have enough experience? Now, you’ve got years of experience under your belt and the skill set and experience to get any of those jobs you applied for years ago, but you’re faced with […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch – How to Find Out Why You Didn’t Get the #Job …Want an Example of What Exactly you could Say to a #HiringManager ? We’ve got it.

You send in a stellar resume. You blow the recruiter away in the phone screen. And you wow everyone you speak with during your in-person interview. And yet, you still don’t get the job. Worst of all, you don’t know why you didn’t get it — you either didn’t hear back at all, or received feedback so vague that it’s […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobReference -Need a #Reference ? Use One of These Five Templates…It can Be Awkward to Ask your Previous Colleague, Client or #Boss to Say Nice Things about You. Here are 5 Email Templates to Help you Out.

It’s no secret: Asking for references can be intimidating. Since references often don’t come from the company you’re working at currently–especially if you haven’t yet told them you’re sniffing out new opportunities–you often must reach out to colleagues from across the spectrum of your career. Try to be specific regarding why you’re asking that particular person to […]

#CareerAdvice : Four Things #Recruiters Look for to Size Up Candidates’ Potential… #HiringManagers Always need to #Assess candidates’ Ability to Grow, Especially #NewGrads with Little Experience. These are some Key Signs of Standout Traits.

I’ve recruited countless graduates for roles in many organizations over the past decade, and I’m constantly asked what I look for. My answer is always the same: potential. This is especially true for entry-level hires. Obviously, there’s no point in assessing recent grads the same way that you would more experienced candidates. Without much work experience […]

#Leadership : #WorkSmart – 4 Ways to Make #Anxiety Work for You…Don’t let Anxiety Drive you into Overwhelm or Procrastination. Here are Four Ways to Beat It & Take Back your Focus.

We’re getting more anxious. A March 2018 survey from the American Psychiatric Association found that 39% of Americans report being more anxious than last year. Worries about everything from health to finances have us feeling more on edge. But the word “anxiety” is one that people tend to throw around casually—and, sometimes, problematically. For some, anxiety […]

#CareerAdvice : #ResumeWriting – 4 Metrics Recruiters Love to See on #Resumes … If you Want to Make Sure your #Resume Catches a #Recruiter’s Eye, There are Few Better Ways to Do So Than by Adding Metrics to It. Why?

For one, “we know that the human eye processes numbers faster than words,” career expert J.T. O’Donnell said in an interview with Glassdoor. But beyond that, they also “help me as a recruiter give context to the size and scope of the work that you did,” O’Donnell explains. In any given workday, though, there’s no shortage […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobSalary – 4 Times It Pays to Accept a Lower #Salary …Before you jump at that Higher Salary, there are Certain Circumstances where Accepting a Sower Salary actually Makes more Sense. Here are a Few you Might Encounter.

In the course of your career, you’re apt to land in situations where you’re choosing between two jobs, and two distinct salaries. Most people will naturally gravitate toward the higher income, because, well, money is important, and there’s no such thing as having too much of it. But before you jump at that higher number, […]

#Leadership : The #EmotionallyIntelligent way to Give #Feedback to your #Boss …Here’s an Approach to Raising Concerns with #Managers that won’t Feel Risky to You or Whiny to Them.

No matter how much you like your boss or manager, there will always be some things about them (or the system) that you’d like to change. But speaking up about a problem or giving feedback to your superiors can feel awkward, to say the least. You don’t want to risk offending the people who hold […]

#CareerAdvice : Between Jobs? #Freelance to Earn Cash & Gain Experience…Freelance Work Helps you Develop your #Skills , Earn a Living & Gain Valuable Experience, so your Time #BetweenJobs is Anything but Wasted. Here are a Few Best Practices to Get you Started.

So how’s your job search going?” Well-meaning friends, family members and distant acquaintances never fail to ask this dreaded question. And it stings, whether you’re in week one or month six of sending out resumes and hustling for interviews. Sometimes the process of finding your dream job takes longer than you’d like. But that doesn’t mean you […]