Entries by First Sun Team

#CareerAdvice : Three Steps for Channeling Career Envy into #Productivity …Along with a Healthy Dose of Perspective. Especially since #SocialMedia makes it All Too Easy to See What your Friends & #Coworkers are Up to Professionally & Personally.

Laura has just been laid off from her job. While trying to muster the energy to update her LinkedIn profile, she spots an email alert from LinkedIn that says, “Congratulate Cathy Barnes on her promotion!” Cathy is a former colleague who had been at the same level as Laura when they worked together as junior […]

#CareerAdvice : #CareerAdvancement – 4 Seemingly Harmless Habits That Can Ruin your #Career ….Being your Own Biggest Critic Might seem Like a Positive Attribute, But it can Lead you to Career Troubles.

When people say that “your career is a marathon,” they are probably referring to being patient when it comes to moving up the ladder, and being willing to put in hours and hours of hard work before you get there. But there is another example where the marathon analogy can apply–small habits can stop you from completing […]

#CareerAdvice : The Future of Work- Four #JobSkills the #HRLeaders of the Future will Need…It’s Time For the Oft-Maligned #HumanResources Function to Kick Old Habits & Drive Businesses Forward. That will Take HR Leaders with Broader Skill Sets.

How would you characterize your past employers’ HR departments? Chances are terms like “administrative,” “reactive,” “transactional,” or less-flattering terms come to mind. Human resources originally evolved out of a personnel-based function rooted in administrative and compliance-driven tasks that historically haven’t been perceived as adding value to organizations in the same way that sales, marketing, or […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch – Why Most Hiring Managers Can’t Just “Take A Chance On You” …Are you Considering a #CareerChange ? We feel for you! This will Help & Get your Head Together.

It can be tough to realize that the role or field you’ve dedicated years of your life to isn’t working out. So tough that you start wondering how you’ll ever make a change and maybe even develop the discouraging sense that you can’t make the change yourself — that if you’re going to have any […]

#CareerAdvice : Include These Things in your #Resume to Get the #Recruiter’s Attention…Don’t Give Them a Reason to Say No. Instead, Wow Them with Reasons to Advance your Application.

Did you know that–on average–recruiters and hiring managers spend only seven seconds reading your resume before signing you up for an interview–or tossing that precious piece of paper in the trash? That’s not a lot of time to impress a potential employer. But the slush pile doesn’t have to be your job-search fate. Dawn Rasmussen, certified resume […]

#CareerAdvice : Use this 15-Minute Checklist to Prepare for a #JobInterview …In Just a Few Minutes you can Make Sure that you’ll Nail your First Impression.

Your job interview is just days away and you’re feeling unprepared. You’ve reread the job posting about 67 times and you’re pretty clear on the role itself–but you can’t really think of much else to do to brush up. Don’t sweat it. In fact, you may only need another 15 minutes or so in order […]

#Leadership : #ProductivePeople – Three Hacks to Help your Brain Learn Stuff Faster…Getting to Know your Basal Ganglia can Help you Waste Less Time Cramming (and forgetting what you’ve learned later on).

Trying to learn some new skills and improve your current ones? Join the club. Unfortunately, many of us find the learning process slow, tedious, and painful. But the good news is that there are a few brain science–backed techniques to help you acquire and master new skills a bit more speedily. Here’s a look at […]

#Leadership : #EmployeeRetention – Plan your New Hire’s Next Job from the Moment they Start… Here’s how Here are Three Ways to Start Preparing your #TeamMembers for New and Different Roles Inside the Company (before they find other opportunities outside it).

Remember when staying in a job for less than a few years was considered a stain on your resume? That’s no longer the case. By one recent estimate, the average length of time people now spend in a given role is just a little over two years among workers ages 25–39. And who can blame them? […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch – Give your #LinkedInProfile a Complete Makeover in Under an Hour…Need to Spruce Up your LinkedIn Profile Fast? Focus on These Seven Areas.

LinkedIn can be a powerful and convenient hub for your job search. The company says that more than 20,000 companies in the U.S. use the platform to recruit, posting more than 3 million jobs every month. A good profile can potentially put you in front of those companies and give them a sense of whether […]

#Leadership : #SuccessfulHabits – 14 Habits of #SuccessfulPeople to Make Your Own… #Success isn’t Something that Happens to Us, it’s Something we Make Happen. Here are Fourteen Habits that Successful People Embrace.

Success isn’t something that happens to us, it’s something we make happen. Here are fourteen habits that successful people embrace. 1. They Build Habits to Meet Their Goals Having life goals is great, but those goals alone won’t carry you anywhere unless you create habits that help you make them reality. If your goal is to […]