Entries by First Sun Team

#CareerAdvice : Unhappy at Work? Answer These 7 Questions to Determine Your Next Move…Unhappiness at Work is a Personal & Professional Growth Opportunity.

Roughly 64 percent of Americans are disengaged at work according to a study conducted by Gallup. To many professionals, this condition is unacceptable. They are working diligently to modify so they can get more joy out of life and more progress in their careers. Unhappiness at work is a personal and professional growth opportunity. Use your discontent as an excuse […]

#CareerAdvice : #Networking – 5 Types of #NetworkingEvents Actually Worth Your Time…Who said All Networking Events were Created Equal? We Say, Pick your Poison.

The idea of networking used to produce a physical reaction in me, similar to riding a roller coaster: sweaty palms, nervous chatter, and a slightly queasy stomach. Unless you’re a regular performer, no one relishes the idea of planting yourself in a room full of strangers and attempting to be charming—especially when your livelihood is involved!Despite the […]

#CareerAdvice : #CareerChange – 9 Tips from People Who Made Dramatic #CareerChanges …It is Estimated that 40 Percent of Current US Employees are Disengaged at Work. Are you One of Them?

Some don’t like the company or their boss, but other times the frustrations run a lot deeper — maybe you realize your career doesn’t give you satisfaction, let alone a sense of purpose or happiness. So how do you know what you should be doing instead? And even if you do know, how do you get […]

#CareerAdvice : #ChangeManagement – How to Deal with These 4 Types of #ChangesAtWork …From Getting a #Promotion, #CompanyRestructure, #Layoffs, to Working with a New Boss.

When it comes to your career (or life, really) very few things are certain. There is one thing you can count on for sure though. Throughout your professional life, you’ll continue to encounter change, big or small, positive and negative, voluntary and involuntary. When you experience these changes–you have two choices. You can either actively resist it, […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch – What #Recruiters Look at When Stalking Your #SocialMedia … You probably Already Know Recruiters are Looking at your #LinkedIn Page, but What About your Other Social Media Platforms?

You know, the ones where you post pictures of your latest vacation, share what you had for dinner and occasionally tag your friends in memes. Why, you might wonder, would a recruiter possibly be interested in viewing things like that? As it turns out, those personal details are precisely why recruiters and hiring managers keep […]

#CareerAdvice : #Unemployed – How to Handle the Tumultuous Days of #Unemployment …Being #Unemployed Can be Tough, But it’s Also an Opportunity to Find Work you Truly Love.

Picture this: you’re on a hike, almost at the top of the mountain. It’s so close. You’re ready. You know that feeling? The feeling of accomplishment and that burst of adrenaline that pushes you that much further? Of course, when you get to the top of the mountain, it seems like the hard part is over. You […]

#Leadership : #StressManagement – 5 Ways #NewManagers can Protect Themselves from Burning Out….Don’t Try to Do it All–That’s a Recipe for Disaster.

Your company just promoted you, and you’re a newly minted manager. After a well-deserved celebration and many congratulatory messages, you come face-to-face with one harsh truth that comes with your new role–the lack of empty time slots in your calendar. In my experience, new managers tend to make one crucial mistake–trying to do it all. They […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch – How to Use #LinkedIn to Add Cold Contacts…Your #Career is About Who you Know, Sure. But it’s Also about Who You can Get to Know. That’s where LinkedIn Comes In.

With over 400 million users, there’s no question LinkedIn reigns supreme as the go-to professional network. From your former roommate to the stranger with your dream job, every savvy woman (and man) seems to have an active account where they regularly post references, professional recommendations, and recommended reads. If you’re like most users, you’ve probably taken a laissez-faire approach to […]

#Leadership : #StressManagement – The Difference Between Routine #Burnout & Something Serious…These Days, Most Jobs Come with a Dose of Stress. But if you Can’t Sleep at Night Due to the Anxiety, you Might Have a Bigger Problem.

Have you ever had that feeling when the thought of going to work makes you physically ill? What was once your dream job becomes something you dread on a daily basis. You tell yourself that it’s just a phase, but it’s been days of feeling like this and you can’t seem to generate that spark […]