Entries by First Sun Team

#CareerAdvice : #ChangingCareer – Considering a #CareerSwitch ? Here’s How to Write your #Résumé …Making the Decision to #ChangeCareers is a Huge Undertaking, so Here’s How to Make Sure you Get the Job you Want.

Making the decision to change careers is a huge undertaking. Not only do you have to be willing to acquire new skills and step outside your comfort zone, but you also have to be able to sell your past experience to recruiters and hiring managers. While the majority of this “selling” happens in person during […]

#Leadership : The Secrets of the Most #ProductivePeople -How to be Busy without Feeling Overwhelmed…“Busy” Doesn’t really Mean “Productive”; Here’s How to Switch your Focus to What Really Matters.

At most moments in the day, we’re busy doing something; however, there’s a big difference between being busy and productive and just being busy. It’s easy to fall into the latter category when days are filled with never-ending tasks. Lately, though, admitting that you’re “busy” has gotten a bad rap. When you find yourself feeling […]

#CareerAdvice -How to Know when a Seemingly Great Opportunity isn’t Right for You…It might seem Logical to say Yes to a #Promotion or a #NewJob . But if it Doesn’t Align with your Long-Term Goal, it Might Not Be the Right Opportunity.

Your boss announced that the company is promoting you, which comes with an impressive new title and a big jump in salary. You accept without thinking about it, because it would be stupid to turn down a promotion, right? Not necessarily. On its face, it might seem strange to even think about turning down the chance […]

#CareerAdvice : 10 Toughest #JobInterviewQuestions — And How to Answer Successfully…Yes, we Pulled them from Real #Interviews . Here’s How to Answer each Really Well.

We’ve all been there—pleased that an interview was going really well until the interviewer threw out a real doozy of a question that you just don’t know how to answer. But you don’t have to panic. We asked career coach Hallie Crawford to give us advice on how to answer the most difficult questions you’ve ever been […]

#Leadership : #Manager -Consider this Before you Become Friends with your #Boss ….Boss-Employee Relationships can be Complicated–Much More So than Between Colleagues Who are at the Same Level.

Back in the day, I worked full-time for an electronics company where I got to collaborate with fun, creative colleagues and help design some really interesting products. Not only were my coworkers great, but my boss was also a downright wonderful human being with whom I got along really well–so well, in fact, that we started spending […]

#CareerAdvice : #YourCareer – 6 Tricks for Surviving Work and #PersonalAdversity …Sometimes, Life is Difficult. But you Can Still Make it Better.

Maybe your job isn’t great. Or, you hate your apartment. Those coworkers you have are so annoying. Or, you may be dealing with life challenges like illness, job loss, or sudden caretaking responsibilities that are getting in the way of some other things that you want to do. Into each life, some annoyances, obstacles, and […]

#CareerAdvice : #SalaryNegoiations – A Step-by-Step Guide to #NegotiatingYourSalary …Negotiating your #Salary Doesn’t Have to Be Scary.

Whether you’ve just been offered a job or you’re gunning for a raise, negotiating your salary can be tricky. Perhaps you hesitate because you don’t want to seem ungrateful—you’re happy to have a job in the first place. Or maybe you’re scared countering a salary offer will lead to the offer being retracted. Or, quite possibly, […]

#Leadership : How to Salvage some #Productivity after a Crappy Morning…Been There Done That Moment- You Look Up and Can’t Believe it’s Already Lunchtime. You’ve Accomplished Exactly Nothing. Here’s How you Can Recover.

Getting out of bed in the morning is an act full of hope. Anything is possible. You could be on the road to a great day. And sometimes, the dream of an engaging and completely productive day is realized. But, some days the wheels come off the cart quickly. You get to work to find […]

#Leadership : 5 UnSpoken Rules of Being a #Manager that No One Tells You About…You’ll be on the Receiving End of More Information Than you Want. Use that Privilege Wisely.

After many hours of hard work, your employer made you a manager. For the first time in your life, you have several employees reporting to you. You’re excited to make your mark and take your career to the next level. And you should be–your company has recognized that you have leadership potential, and they’re giving […]